Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 10:31:11 -0800 From: Adam Carlson Subject: Buridan source 1) Load the system If you are running Mark Kantrowitz's defsystem package, then you need to: a) Tell defsystem what extension is used for compiled files. Define the variable *fasl-default-type* to a string with the extension of compiled lisp files (i.e. Allegro on a SGI would be something like "gfasl"). (Alternatively, you can edit buridan.system and change the :binary-extension keyword value to "gfasl".) b) Load the buridan system. Type (require 'buridan) and the system will load (the first time through it will prompt you about loading lisp files if no compiled files exist). To compile, you can type (reboot) or use the mk:operate-on-system function. If you are not running Mark Kantrowitz's defsystem package, then create a load.lisp file, copy buridan.system into it and edit it up to load the files in the right order. 2) Test the system Load the file examples.lisp and run tbhe planner with the problems defined in that file (test0), (test1), ... (test19) Good luck, Adam Carlson