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This paper describes the fully-implemented XII planner which uses local closed world information (LCW) to handle universally quantified goals and to avoid the problem of redundant sensing. Our technical innovations include the LCW machinery (effects, goals, and novel techniques for resolving threats to LCW links) described in Section 3, and the LCW-based pruning techniques described in Section 4. As demonstrated by table 1, the savings engendered by LCW can be quite large in the UNIX domain. Although our experiments, and illustrative examples, are drawn from the UNIX domain, we emphasize that the notion of LCW, and the techniques introduced in XII, are domain independent. In future work, we plan to measure the costs and benefits of LCW in other domains, and to remove the assumption of correct information made by the XII planner.
Wed Feb 16 09:48:57 PST 1994