Midterm 1 with sample answers:

1.      (2)        Explain how TCP/IP sends information. 


Breaks information into set-sized packets. Includes destination and sequence number.  Packets are sent by all available routes and re-assembled by destination computer.




2.      (5)        True or False?  Circle one option for each line.

T        F is a physical IP address.

T        F        dante.u.washington.edu is a logical Internet address

T        F        A byte consists of 10 bits


T        F        In the fetch/execute cycle, the processor first fetches the needed data,

then decodes the instruction 


T        F        The computer's memory is used to store both program instructions

and data





3.      (2)      When you do a search in Google, the search engine, are you searching the entire web? 



No, you search the indexes (databases) that Google has created by sending crawlers out to grab terms from pages on the web.




  1. (2)      The Internet and the WWW are not the same thing.  Explain.


A.     The WWW uses the TCP/IP protocol, the Internet does not

B.     The WWW is web servers and the files on them that are connected to the Internet

C.     People on client computers use web browsers to request information from web servers

D.     The Internet is a subset of the WWW




  1. (2)      Draw a picture on the right of the HTML code that accurately shows what it would look like in a browser.







FIT 10

for Monday


50 days


<table border="1">



                   <td>FIT 10</td>



                   <td>for Monday</td>

                   <td>Only </td>



                   <td>50 days</td>









  1. (1) What function does the ALU perform?


A.     Instruction fetch

B.      Storage

C.     Computation

D.     Retrieval

  1. (1)      Suppose that you have a file named jordan.html at the top level of your c:
    drive on a computer running Windows. Then
    c:\ jordan.html is the path to that file. Now suppose that you have a file name default.html inside a folder named webstuff. Suppose that webstuff is inside another folder called fit100. Finally, suppose that fit100 is at the top level of your c: drive. Give the absolute path to the default.html file.



  1. (2)      “In the PandA encoding there are just two basic patterns:  Present and

Absent.”  Give 2 examples of other names that can be used and explain why.


Yin and Yang

Yes and No

Billy and Bob

4 and dog


Doesn’t matter what you use for the two discrete patterns as long as there is agreement among all encoding agents on which is which.



  1.  (1)     Ethernet is... (circle all that apply)

A.     a protocol based on Unicode

B.      a nationwide military and research network that preceded the Internet

C.     a technique for local area networking

D.     a method for routing data on the Internet backbone

E.      a protocol for wireless communication


  1. (3)      If people understand names and computers only understand numbers, how is it that you can request the this page: www.washington.edu  and your computer will know where to send the request for information?


All computers on the Internet have a physical and logical address.  To find the physical (IP address) name when only the logical (domain name) name is known, all domain requests are first sent to the nearest Domain Name Service (DNS) server.  The DNS resolves the domain name to the IP address that computers understand.  The request is then sent on using the proper IP.




  1. (3)      If I enter the following search in a search engine:

+”Michael Jordan” +”Chicago Bulls” –Wizards


What am I asking the search engine to do?


Bring back all pages from the index with both the phrases “Michael Jordan” and ”Chicago Bulls” but not the term Wizards



  1. (4)

A.     What is a protocol?

A set of agreements/rules (a common language) that allow interoperability/communication between things/people/applications


B.      Why are they necessary in IT?



To assure that information passed from one machine or application can be read/used/processed on another.





  1. (1)      How many “things” can be represented with a bit?





  1. (1)      What is Dante? 


Dante is a UW subnet consisting of many computer servers.  These various servers are storage for student Web pages, Email and other Files.  It is helpful to be able to access files/email from multiple locations on the network.  Users access their personal storage space by providing a username and password for authentication.



  1. (1)      The following works are not protected by copyright law:


A.     Works that lack originality

B.      U.S. Government works

C.     Works in the public domain

D.     Facts

E.     All the above




  1. (4)      Identify 4 errors in the following HTML and say why they are errors.  Only

identify 4!  



<head><title> My Web Page</titl>            Misspelled end tag for title, missing end head tag

<body> <h1 Welcome to my hobby site!</h1>    H1 tag not properly finished

<p>Here is an image of my house: <br>

<img scr=“my house.doc”> <br>            should be src and image has wrong file extension

and a link to my favorite web page:

<a href= “nba.com/chicago”>About MJ<a/></p>         missing protocol id: http://

<body>                      tag not properly closed:  </body>

<html>                            tag not properly closed:  </html>




  1. (3)      Name three elements of a Web site that help convey a sense of


Currency, show of expertise, authority, evidence of a real person, professionalism, no commercialism, trustworthiness, no typos, always available, proper TLD, ….


  1. (2)      A search engine consists of four parts (from lecture).  Name 2 of them.

Crawler, query processor, user interface, index/database




  1. (1)      What color does RGB(0, 0, 255) specify?  Explain.

    Blue.  The 0’s in the Red and Green slots are an indication that there is no intensity of that color there.  255 in the Blue slot is the maximum intensity of blue allowed.

  1. (2)      If you have 4 bits of computer memory available, how many different patters

on 0’s and 1’s can be formed?  Show your work in getting the answer.



Each bit has 2 patterns, 4 sequences of a bit would allow for 2x2x2x2 possible

patterns, or 16.




  1. (1)      A client computer is:

A.     The computers in lab

B.      Any computer that requests a service

C.     Any computer that provides a service

D.     A and B only

E.      A and C only



  1. (1)      Digital Representation is the use of ______________ to create symbols

that will stand in place of something else



Also accepted:  1s and 0s

                              P and A





  1. (4)      This is a validly formed URL:



From this URL, circle the various parts of it that satisfy the description.  It is possible you might circle a portion more than once, or not at all.


Scheme (Protocol):









24.  (1) __________________ are a rational way to organize information.



Also accepted:  categories



25.  (1)      Using the ASCII code chart supplied: what does this message say? 


01000011  01010011  01000101               CSE

00110001  00110000  00110000               100



01000110  01001001  01010100               FIT     

00110001  00110000  00110000               100
















































Suppose the diagram below represents the directories in your Dante

account.  Assume you have logged into Dante and are in the Unix shell, where you can enter commands at the Unix prompt.  Assume that currently you are in the directory named "Assign_1".





What single UNIX command would you type to create a folder called Part1 inside of Project2?

                   mkdir  ~root/FIT100/Projects/Project2/Part1


                        mkdir  ~/FIT100/Projects/Project2/Part1