FIT100, Project 2, Part 2 Turn-in Form

Help for first time users.

For this project, and some others that will follow, you have to fill out and submit this electronic form, print the "receipt" that comes back, and hand in the receipt in class (on the first class following the electronic deadline). No other forms of turn-in will be accepted. No e-mail, no diskettes, you aren't asked to place the files in a certain folder on Dante, etc. This is it.

Shortly after the deadline, this form will be deactivated. There will then be no way to turn in the project. Good advice is to turn in an early version as insurance, in case something happens to you or your computer at the last minute. You can turn in as many times as you want. Only the last version will be graded, and the printout ("receipt") you turn in must match that version.

1. Who are you?


2. Which system/compiler did you use?


Where did you work? Mary Gates Hall - IPL
Mary Gates Hall first-floor lab (CRC)
Elsewhere on campus
Operating System: If "Other", specify:

3. How are we doing?

(These will not affect your grade. We just want some statistics on how things are going.)

How long did you spend on this assignment: (Please use hours, for example .75 instead of 45 minutes.)

On a scale of 1 to 5, was this assignment:

General Comments? In particular, if we give such an assignment in the future, can you suggest ways we could improve it?

4. Give Us Your Program.


Will be written to our disk and renamed to the name shown.  Your own file name might be different. yourExecutable.exe
Will be written to our disk and compiled using the same file name that you use. yourForm.frm
Will be written to our disk using the same file name that you use. yourVBP.vbp
This file must be of type .txt.

This file should contain your A/B lists.  You can also use it to add any additional information the TA should know, such as help (outside the FIT100 staff) you received with the project; any particular special circumstances, etc.  If you wish to give us additional graphical information, such as hand-drawn charts or pictures, please staple such materials to the printed turn-in receipt.


5. Press the TURN-IN button when you are ready.

Do not forget to print and turn in the "Receipt" page that you will receive after clicking "TURN IN". For your records, you may wish to keep a copy of your final receipt.

If there is no response immediately, please try to be patient for a few minutes. If you want to back out and try again, hit the Stop botton on the tool bar; please don't press the TURN IN button again until you've done this.

If there are errors, you'll be told, and you can turn-in again. You can turn in as many times as you wish; only the last turn-in will be graded. Previous turn-ins are not graded.