Exams in CSE 130

Spring Quarter, 2009

Midterm Exam 1 will cover the material presented in weeks 1 through 4, through stereogram construction. The exam is scheduled for Monday, May 4, in class. It's closed-book. Although it will involve use of the computer, all web sites other than socrates.cs.washington.edu will be "off limits". Also, PixelMath may only be used during Part II.
Midterm Exam 2 will cover the material presented in weeks 1 through 9, through CAPTCHAs. The exam is scheduled for Wednesday, June 3, in class. It's closed-book, except that the One-page Python Quick Reference Guide (given out in class last week) may be used. Although it will involve use of the computer, all web sites other than socrates.cs.washington.edu will be "off limits". Also, PixelMath may only be used during Part II.