CCCP Answers: [7A-3B, 5A-15B, 11A-9B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [30, 75, 45, 55] Type: ENTP acz Answers: [4A-6B, 8A-12B, 6A-14B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [60, 60, 70, 25] Type: INFJ KoKoKaChoo Answers: [8A-2B, 14A-6B, 12A-8B, 12A-8B] Percent B: [20, 30, 40, 40] Type: ESTJ cathy Answers: [4A-6B, 14A-6B, 2A-18B, 11A-9B] Percent B: [60, 30, 90, 45] Type: ISFJ Iris Answers: [4A-6B, 7A-10B, 8A-10B, 12A-8B] Percent B: [60, 59, 56, 40] Type: INFJ IMS Answers: [2A-8B, 13A-7B, 11A-9B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [80, 35, 45, 35] Type: ISTJ Beefcake Answers: [5A-5B, 8A-12B, 8A-12B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [50, 60, 60, 55] Type: XNFP beans Answers: [3A-7B, 14A-5B, 11A-9B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [70, 26, 45, 30] Type: ISTJ ssoo Answers: [4A-6B, 16A-4B, 6A-14B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [60, 20, 70, 50] Type: ISFX suzie loo Answers: [5A-5B, 11A-9B, 7A-13B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [50, 45, 65, 30] Type: XSFJ Mr Man Answers: [2A-8B, 18A-2B, 11A-9B, 11A-9B] Percent B: [80, 10, 45, 45] Type: ISTJ Steve Answers: [7A-3B, 16A-4B, 16A-3B, 17A-3B] Percent B: [30, 20, 16, 15] Type: ESTJ vorticose Answers: [1A-9B, 17A-3B, 13A-7B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [90, 15, 35, 50] Type: ISTX Bryan Answers: [1A-9B, 12A-8B, 10A-10B, 8A-12B] Percent B: [90, 40, 50, 60] Type: ISXP klang Answers: [4A-6B, 8A-12B, 5A-15B, 4A-16B] Percent B: [60, 60, 75, 80] Type: INFP Ben Matson Answers: [0A-9B, 14A-4B, 16A-3B, 16A-3B] Percent B: [100, 22, 16, 16] Type: ISTJ Fritz Sperling Answers: [1A-9B, 11A-9B, 13A-7B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [90, 45, 35, 50] Type: ISTX Keirsey Answers: [6A-4B, 7A-13B, 8A-12B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [40, 65, 60, 30] Type: ENFJ yberther Answers: [4A-6B, 11A-9B, 12A-8B, 7A-13B] Percent B: [60, 45, 40, 65] Type: ISTP Captain Jack Answers: [5A-5B, 15A-5B, 15A-5B, 19A-1B] Percent B: [50, 25, 25, 5] Type: XSTJ panto Answers: [1A-9B, 11A-9B, 15A-5B, 19A-1B] Percent B: [90, 45, 25, 5] Type: ISTJ Mike Litoris Answers: [0A-10B, 12A-6B, 12A-8B, 9A-10B] Percent B: [100, 33, 40, 53] Type: ISTP Daniel Answers: [7A-3B, 11A-9B, 16A-4B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [30, 45, 20, 30] Type: ESTJ uwstudent99 Answers: [3A-7B, 11A-9B, 11A-9B, 7A-12B] Percent B: [70, 45, 45, 63] Type: ISTP AliceM Answers: [1A-6B, 12A-3B, 11A-4B, 14A-5B] Percent B: [86, 20, 27, 26] Type: ISTJ mlord Answers: [3A-7B, 4A-16B, 3A-17B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [70, 80, 85, 50] Type: INFX BMAC Answers: [2A-8B, 12A-8B, 5A-15B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [80, 40, 75, 25] Type: ISFJ hangtszlee Answers: [4A-6B, 11A-9B, 9A-11B, 12A-8B] Percent B: [60, 45, 55, 40] Type: ISFJ derek Answers: [1A-9B, 13A-7B, 13A-7B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [90, 35, 35, 50] Type: ISTX Bing Answers: [8A-2B, 14A-6B, 9A-11B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [20, 30, 55, 35] Type: ESFJ Cinderella Answers: [4A-6B, 14A-6B, 10A-10B, 16A-4B] Percent B: [60, 30, 50, 20] Type: ISXJ W Answers: [1A-9B, 15A-5B, 16A-4B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [90, 25, 20, 35] Type: ISTJ lefty Answers: [6A-4B, 14A-6B, 6A-14B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [40, 30, 70, 25] Type: ESFJ Taylor Answers: [7A-3B, 12A-8B, 10A-10B, 12A-8B] Percent B: [30, 40, 50, 40] Type: ESXJ Bert Renolds Answers: [5A-5B, 17A-3B, 19A-1B, 11A-8B] Percent B: [50, 15, 5, 42] Type: XSTJ Bob LawBlah Answers: [0A-10B, 15A-5B, 18A-2B, 16A-4B] Percent B: [100, 25, 10, 20] Type: ISTJ DJH Answers: [3A-7B, 6A-14B, 5A-14B, 11A-8B] Percent B: [70, 70, 74, 42] Type: INFJ >:) Answers: [4A-6B, 19A-1B, 9A-11B, 18A-2B] Percent B: [60, 5, 55, 10] Type: ISFJ taekim630 Answers: [8A-2B, 11A-9B, 4A-16B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [20, 45, 80, 50] Type: ESFX Kelley Answers: [1A-9B, 6A-10B, 6A-11B, 7A-13B] Percent B: [90, 63, 65, 65] Type: INFP Monica Answers: [1A-9B, 13A-7B, 9A-11B, 16A-4B] Percent B: [90, 35, 55, 20] Type: ISFJ chriswho Answers: [1A-9B, 12A-8B, 6A-13B, 7A-12B] Percent B: [90, 40, 68, 63] Type: ISFP Geo Answers: [2A-8B, 10A-10B, 9A-11B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [80, 50, 55, 25] Type: IXFJ Chad Answers: [3A-7B, 7A-11B, 13A-7B, 6A-13B] Percent B: [70, 61, 35, 68] Type: INTP Bed Buggy Answers: [10A-0B, 12A-8B, 16A-4B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [0, 40, 20, 25] Type: ESTJ king Answers: [4A-6B, 12A-8B, 6A-14B, 16A-3B] Percent B: [60, 40, 70, 16] Type: ISFJ crimmm5 Answers: [6A-4B, 17A-3B, 8A-12B, 18A-2B] Percent B: [40, 15, 60, 10] Type: ESFJ johnny tsunami Answers: [2A-8B, 10A-10B, 7A-13B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [80, 50, 65, 55] Type: IXFP Sarve Answers: [4A-6B, 12A-8B, 10A-10B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [60, 40, 50, 35] Type: ISXJ tsjo Answers: [4A-6B, 13A-7B, 5A-15B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [60, 35, 75, 30] Type: ISFJ AShepherd Answers: [6A-4B, 12A-8B, 12A-7B, 17A-3B] Percent B: [40, 40, 37, 15] Type: ESTJ john Answers: [3A-7B, 5A-15B, 6A-14B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [70, 75, 70, 55] Type: INFP sammy Answers: [9A-1B, 9A-11B, 3A-17B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [10, 55, 85, 55] Type: ENFP SixStringStairway Answers: [9A-0B, 8A-12B, 8A-12B, 8A-12B] Percent B: [0, 60, 60, 60] Type: ENFP leroyjenkins Answers: [3A-7B, 10A-10B, 10A-10B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [70, 50, 50, 50] Type: IXXX bob Answers: [1A-9B, 9A-8B, 10A-8B, 14A-5B] Percent B: [90, 47, 44, 26] Type: ISTJ lpd Answers: [1A-9B, 1A-14B, 7A-10B, 14A-4B] Percent B: [90, 93, 59, 22] Type: INFJ Elizabeth Lilly Rose Answers: [5A-5B, 5A-15B, 7A-13B, 7A-12B] Percent B: [50, 75, 65, 63] Type: XNFP Honeste Answers: [1A-9B, 6A-8B, 9A-11B, 11A-9B] Percent B: [90, 57, 55, 45] Type: INFJ abcd Answers: [4A-6B, 14A-6B, 6A-14B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [60, 30, 70, 35] Type: ISFJ Orion Answers: [8A-1B, 4A-16B, 11A-9B, 5A-14B] Percent B: [11, 80, 45, 74] Type: ENTP Halo4daWin Answers: [7A-3B, 17A-3B, 12A-8B, 11A-8B] Percent B: [30, 15, 40, 42] Type: ESTJ HelloWorld Answers: [2A-7B, 1A-13B, 8A-5B, 13A-5B] Percent B: [78, 93, 38, 28] Type: INTJ satsuma Answers: [5A-5B, 5A-15B, 17A-3B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [50, 75, 15, 25] Type: XNTJ BP Answers: [2A-8B, 14A-6B, 9A-11B, 17A-3B] Percent B: [80, 30, 55, 15] Type: ISFJ Natedawggghollabackatme Answers: [0A-10B, 7A-13B, 13A-7B, 12A-8B] Percent B: [100, 65, 35, 40] Type: INTJ dee Answers: [9A-1B, 7A-13B, 8A-12B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [10, 65, 60, 55] Type: ENFP bandaid Answers: [7A-3B, 7A-13B, 5A-15B, 11A-9B] Percent B: [30, 65, 75, 45] Type: ENFJ James D. Watson Answers: [8A-2B, 9A-11B, 16A-4B, 11A-9B] Percent B: [20, 55, 20, 45] Type: ENTJ Grendel Answers: [9A-1B, 13A-7B, 10A-10B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [10, 35, 50, 30] Type: ESXJ Georgek Answers: [4A-6B, 13A-7B, 5A-15B, 11A-9B] Percent B: [60, 35, 75, 45] Type: ISFJ Ed Answers: [0A-10B, 14A-5B, 5A-15B, 16A-4B] Percent B: [100, 26, 75, 20] Type: ISFJ Jeff Answers: [4A-6B, 16A-4B, 6A-14B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [60, 20, 70, 55] Type: ISFP Satchal Answers: [7A-3B, 8A-12B, 5A-15B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [30, 60, 75, 50] Type: ENFX AKoser Answers: [0A-10B, 10A-10B, 11A-9B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [100, 50, 45, 30] Type: IXTJ Ashley Answers: [0A-10B, 16A-4B, 14A-6B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [100, 20, 30, 25] Type: ISTJ Mojo Answers: [4A-6B, 8A-12B, 9A-11B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [60, 60, 55, 35] Type: INFJ jessiepoo Answers: [4A-6B, 14A-6B, 11A-9B, 16A-4B] Percent B: [60, 30, 45, 20] Type: ISTJ Joe Answers: [9A-1B, 10A-10B, 8A-12B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [10, 50, 60, 30] Type: EXFJ danwfan Answers: [7A-3B, 12A-8B, 8A-12B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [30, 40, 60, 50] Type: ESFX woohoo Answers: [2A-8B, 14A-6B, 16A-4B, 12A-8B] Percent B: [80, 30, 20, 40] Type: ISTJ Tim Conbere Answers: [0A-10B, 6A-14B, 8A-12B, 7A-13B] Percent B: [100, 70, 60, 65] Type: INFP Eric Answers: [8A-2B, 15A-5B, 13A-7B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [20, 25, 35, 25] Type: ESTJ Swed Answers: [5A-5B, 13A-7B, 10A-10B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [50, 35, 50, 25] Type: XSXJ Bodhi Answers: [1A-9B, 4A-16B, 9A-11B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [90, 80, 55, 55] Type: INFP kittee Answers: [1A-9B, 15A-5B, 6A-14B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [90, 25, 70, 25] Type: ISFJ HMFD Answers: [3A-7B, 16A-4B, 11A-9B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [70, 20, 45, 25] Type: ISTJ BraneSpace Answers: [4A-6B, 12A-8B, 11A-9B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [60, 40, 45, 30] Type: ISTJ sunchipssam Answers: [1A-9B, 10A-10B, 6A-14B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [90, 50, 70, 55] Type: IXFP Krystal Club-Foot Answers: [0A-10B, 2A-18B, 11A-9B, 2A-18B] Percent B: [100, 90, 45, 90] Type: INTP yue Answers: [8A-2B, 9A-11B, 9A-11B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [20, 55, 55, 50] Type: ENFX TPC Answers: [5A-5B, 11A-9B, 7A-13B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [50, 45, 65, 55] Type: XSFP vdogg Answers: [6A-4B, 11A-9B, 9A-11B, 14A-5B] Percent B: [40, 45, 55, 26] Type: ESFJ JJ Answers: [5A-5B, 9A-11B, 7A-13B, 12A-8B] Percent B: [50, 55, 65, 40] Type: XNFJ Anders Answers: [6A-4B, 9A-11B, 6A-14B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [40, 55, 70, 30] Type: ENFJ ashley Answers: [9A-1B, 13A-7B, 9A-11B, 18A-2B] Percent B: [10, 35, 55, 10] Type: ESFJ linzoid Answers: [2A-8B, 6A-14B, 7A-13B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [80, 70, 65, 50] Type: INFX Vale Answers: [2A-8B, 13A-7B, 10A-10B, 12A-7B] Percent B: [80, 35, 50, 37] Type: ISXJ White Fish Answers: [9A-1B, 13A-7B, 12A-8B, 6A-14B] Percent B: [10, 35, 40, 70] Type: ESTP Lynley Answers: [0A-10B, 13A-6B, 10A-10B, 17A-3B] Percent B: [100, 32, 50, 15] Type: ISXJ Tp Answers: [7A-3B, 10A-10B, 3A-17B, 6A-14B] Percent B: [30, 50, 85, 70] Type: EXFP Cecilia Answers: [2A-8B, 13A-7B, 6A-14B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [80, 35, 70, 35] Type: ISFJ lifeonaplate Answers: [7A-3B, 16A-4B, 8A-12B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [30, 20, 60, 30] Type: ESFJ TorrancetheVamp Answers: [7A-3B, 11A-9B, 13A-7B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [30, 45, 35, 35] Type: ESTJ Puppy Eyes Answers: [6A-4B, 10A-10B, 8A-12B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [40, 50, 60, 55] Type: EXFP J25 Answers: [5A-5B, 7A-12B, 5A-15B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [50, 63, 75, 30] Type: XNFJ keithyang Answers: [2A-8B, 6A-14B, 8A-12B, 5A-15B] Percent B: [80, 70, 60, 75] Type: INFP Poppa Palzy Answers: [5A-5B, 15A-5B, 12A-8B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [50, 25, 40, 50] Type: XSTX Joey Answers: [3A-6B, 5A-13B, 6A-12B, 7A-11B] Percent B: [67, 72, 67, 61] Type: INFP LAZ Answers: [4A-6B, 17A-3B, 16A-4B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [60, 15, 20, 25] Type: ISTJ H Looms Answers: [1A-8B, 7A-9B, 7A-12B, 9A-10B] Percent B: [89, 56, 63, 53] Type: INFP ihsgrad Answers: [6A-4B, 16A-4B, 5A-15B, 17A-3B] Percent B: [40, 20, 75, 15] Type: ESFJ Squid Answers: [2A-8B, 10A-10B, 6A-14B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [80, 50, 70, 50] Type: IXFX Alice Answers: [5A-5B, 14A-6B, 7A-13B, 16A-4B] Percent B: [50, 30, 65, 20] Type: XSFJ Lapin Answers: [6A-4B, 10A-10B, 12A-8B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [40, 50, 40, 50] Type: EXTX Kimberly Answers: [3A-7B, 13A-7B, 8A-12B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [70, 35, 60, 55] Type: ISFP heatha Answers: [9A-1B, 15A-5B, 12A-8B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [10, 25, 40, 25] Type: ESTJ Tsunami Answers: [3A-7B, 15A-5B, 10A-10B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [70, 25, 50, 30] Type: ISXJ herrokitty Answers: [9A-1B, 9A-11B, 7A-13B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [10, 55, 65, 35] Type: ENFJ Banana Answers: [1A-9B, 10A-10B, 19A-1B, 10A-10B] Percent B: [90, 50, 5, 50] Type: IXTX Michael Answers: [8A-2B, 10A-10B, 15A-5B, 4A-16B] Percent B: [20, 50, 25, 80] Type: EXTP TigerCrane Answers: [7A-3B, 7A-13B, 4A-16B, 11A-9B] Percent B: [30, 65, 80, 45] Type: ENFJ nokonoko2 Answers: [0A-10B, 7A-13B, 14A-6B, 16A-4B] Percent B: [100, 65, 30, 20] Type: INTJ ytsj Answers: [1A-9B, 12A-8B, 14A-6B, 19A-1B] Percent B: [90, 40, 30, 5] Type: ISTJ princess alien Answers: [4A-6B, 5A-15B, 7A-13B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [60, 75, 65, 30] Type: INFJ naruto Answers: [7A-3B, 9A-11B, 16A-4B, 11A-9B] Percent B: [30, 55, 20, 45] Type: ENTJ ST Answers: [0A-10B, 18A-2B, 17A-3B, 17A-3B] Percent B: [100, 10, 15, 15] Type: ISTJ tookie Answers: [0A-10B, 14A-6B, 14A-6B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [100, 30, 30, 35] Type: ISTJ CasualChris Answers: [5A-5B, 12A-8B, 4A-16B, 8A-12B] Percent B: [50, 40, 80, 60] Type: XSFP Bobbyjim Answers: [0A-10B, 15A-5B, 15A-5B, 17A-3B] Percent B: [100, 25, 25, 15] Type: ISTJ Vic Answers: [5A-5B, 13A-7B, 1A-19B, 8A-12B] Percent B: [50, 35, 95, 60] Type: XSFP that pretty cool that i can have a nickname that is 75 characters long Answers: [6A-4B, 16A-4B, 10A-10B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [40, 20, 50, 55] Type: ESXP xong Answers: [7A-3B, 10A-9B, 11A-9B, 12A-8B] Percent B: [30, 47, 45, 40] Type: ESTJ emmaeliw Answers: [6A-4B, 10A-10B, 6A-14B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [40, 50, 70, 25] Type: EXFJ Adrienne Answers: [1A-9B, 13A-7B, 12A-8B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [90, 35, 40, 25] Type: ISTJ yi Answers: [2A-8B, 12A-8B, 6A-14B, 12A-8B] Percent B: [80, 40, 70, 40] Type: ISFJ smoothskills Answers: [6A-4B, 11A-9B, 15A-5B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [40, 45, 25, 30] Type: ESTJ Kris Stoeck Answers: [1A-9B, 16A-3B, 14A-6B, 16A-4B] Percent B: [90, 16, 30, 20] Type: ISTJ Bobby Answers: [9A-1B, 9A-11B, 13A-7B, 11A-9B] Percent B: [10, 55, 35, 45] Type: ENTJ UWstudent Answers: [7A-3B, 16A-4B, 9A-11B, 13A-7B] Percent B: [30, 20, 55, 35] Type: ESFJ Tyson Reeves Answers: [1A-9B, 16A-4B, 16A-4B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [90, 20, 20, 25] Type: ISTJ Mario Answers: [3A-7B, 11A-9B, 12A-8B, 12A-8B] Percent B: [70, 45, 40, 40] Type: ISTJ Lando Calrissian Answers: [2A-8B, 13A-7B, 19A-1B, 16A-4B] Percent B: [80, 35, 5, 20] Type: ISTJ Marvin Answers: [1A-9B, 9A-11B, 11A-9B, 9A-11B] Percent B: [90, 55, 45, 55] Type: INTP Kezzerdrix Answers: [6A-4B, 4A-16B, 16A-4B, 5A-15B] Percent B: [40, 80, 20, 75] Type: ENTP kyle Answers: [0A-10B, 16A-4B, 17A-3B, 16A-4B] Percent B: [100, 20, 15, 20] Type: ISTJ Tib Answers: [0A-10B, 6A-14B, 18A-2B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [100, 70, 10, 25] Type: INTJ Greenside Answers: [0A-10B, 7A-13B, 11A-9B, 11A-9B] Percent B: [100, 65, 45, 45] Type: INTJ Raquel Answers: [9A-1B, 17A-3B, 12A-7B, 15A-4B] Percent B: [10, 15, 37, 21] Type: ESTJ AweSome Answers: [9A-1B, 13A-7B, 13A-7B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [10, 35, 35, 25] Type: ESTJ Tim Vega Answers: [3A-7B, 4A-16B, 12A-8B, 15A-5B] Percent B: [70, 80, 40, 25] Type: INTJ Zulu Answers: [4A-6B, 15A-5B, 12A-8B, 14A-6B] Percent B: [60, 25, 40, 30] Type: ISTJ Master Chief Answers: [4A-6B, 19A-1B, 18A-2B, 19A-0B] Percent B: [60, 5, 10, 0] Type: ISTJ