CSE 303: Concepts and Tools for Software Development, Winter 2008
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 303 Computing: Getting Started

CSE 303 Homework 3

Due: Wednesday 1/23/08 11:59PM
Turnin: online - turnin instruction


  • HW3 Q&A Wiki Page
  • Updated skeleton code for hw3D.c and hw3Dfsa.h. (1/19/2008, 12:47AM)
    If you hadn't yet fetched the code as of the post time of this update, the instructions on this page have been changed so that you will be an updated set of files by following them - no need to apply the patch. If you had already fetched them, follow the link for instructions.
  • Added a page describing finite state machines and linked it from various places in this document. (1/19/2007 2:44AM)
  • Added a page explaining what 'character,' 'word,' and 'line' mean, in this assignment. (1/19/2007 3:00AM)
  • Overview

    This assignment is an introduction to programming and "building" (compiling and linking) C programs. There are rougly a million things that can go wrong, even if all you're trying to do is build a program you know works already. It is designed to be a sequence of small steps. It is also designed so that you can read, build, and run some working code before you have to try to write, build, and run similar code yourself. The purpose of that is to let you run into whichever problems you're going to run into (and there are a billion, so it's hard to guess which ones you'll see) in small steps, and to give you an example of how to do things rather than requiring that you read rely solely on the sometimes difficult to understand man pages and other documentation.

    There are eight parts to the assignment. The first is an exercise that tries to make clear what the C preprocessor does. To really understand what it does, it's useful to keep in mind that it is NOT (very) aware of what the C language is. The exercise is intended to make that totally clear.

    hw3-cPreprocessorExplanation of the C preprocessor's function by example (plus a tiny introduction to "thinking like a Unix programmer").Deployed.

    The remaining seven parts involve implementing a sequence of programs that are very similar to the standard Unix word count (wc - man wc) program. (Note: hw3G takes a tiny step towards an implementation of sed, an editor.)

    hw3AStraightforward implementation of word count that reads stdin only.Skeletal - counts characters only.
    hw3Bhw3A, but the user names an input file on the command line. Character, word, and line counts for the contents of that file are printed.Skeletal - like hw3A but with some C code hinting at how to implement the "reads from a file" modification. Contains debugging output code that should eventually be removed.
    hw3CImplements a modified definition of word count - characters and words in C '//' style comments are ignored.Unimplemented. Start from your working solution to hw3B.
    hw3DA solution to basic word count structured as a finite state machine.Fully implemented and working.
    Fully implemented and working in updated hw3D files.
    hw3Ehw3D modified to not count characters or words inside C '//' style comments.Not implemented - just a copy of hw3D.

    Another intention of this assignment is to show you the finite state machine approach to implementation, which can be very effective for some kinds of problems (including this one). The two colors in the table above group programs by solution style: yellow for "no particular style" and green for "finite state machine".

    There are two more parts.

    hw3Fhw3E with the code broken into multiple source files.Nothing - not even skeletal. Start with your solution to hw3E.
    hw3GPerforms the word count function, ignoring characters and words in '//' style comments, PLUS outputs the input text with those comments removed.Nothing - not even skeletal. Start with anything you want.

    Not Exactly Word Count

    We ususally think of word count as counting the number of characters, words, and lines in its input. If you read the documentation closely, what it counts is the number of characters, words, and newlines in its input.

    We want to count the number of lines (e.g., that would appear if the input file (assuming its a file) were displayed in emacs in an infinitely wide window).

    Getting Started

    Get a "tar" of The Assignment Files

    Copy the file /cse/courses/cse303/08wi/hw3DistV1.1.tar.gz to the directory in which you want to create a directory that will hold all the assignment files.

    • If you're working in a shell running on attu, just say
      cp /cse/courses/cse303/08wi/hw3DistV1.1.tar.gz .
    • If your shell is runing on a lab Linux workstation, that command may work as well. (I'm not sure whether or not that part of the file system is "mounted" on lab Linux boxes.)
    • From any shell, anywhere, you can do this:
      scp yourattulogin@attu:/cse/courses/cse303/08wi/hw3DistV1.1.tar.gz .
    Note the period at the ends of both of those commands.

    (Note for cygwin users: scp (and ssh) aren't installed by default with cygwin. If your install doesn't have them, rerun setup.exe. Hit OK until you get to the dialog box that is offering things to install. Hit the View button in the upper right until you see an alphabetized list of all available packages. Look for openssh (I think it is...). Click on the "Not Installed" (I think it is -- all the way on the left) and it should change to a version number. Now hit OK and openssh should be installed, providing you with scp and ssh commands.)

    Check What untar'ing Will Do

    Run the command:

    tar tzf hw3DistV1.1.tar.gz
    That will print the names of the files contained inside the tar file. Those files, including directories, will be created when you untar in the next step. Note that this tar file creates a directory in which all of its files go. Not all tar files do that, so it's handy to check before untar'ing so you don't end up with 1500 files in the current directory when that's not what you wanted.


    Run the command:

    tar xzf hw3DistV1.1.tar.gz
    That will create a directory hw3Dist containing some other directories containing some files.

    Guide to Starter Files

    • hw3-cPreprocessor: has the preprocessor exercise. Go there and rummage around.
    • hw3AtoE: has source files hw3A.c, hw3B.c, etc. Their status is described in the table above. It also has a shell script, run, described below, and a text file, problemFile.
    • hw3F and hw3G: put all files for your solutions to those problems in this directories (in the obvious way).

    The run Script

    I wrote a shell script that compiles and runs all of hw3A through hw3E. You invoke it as in this example:

    ./run testInputFile1 testInputFile2 ...
    (Of course, you have to supply the names of files that actually exist.)

    For each file named in the command line, the script first runs the Unix wc program, then each of hw3A through hw3E. This is intended to help with debugging - you can conveniently compare the output of each of your programs against what wc says (remembering that our definition of the problem differs slightly from what wc actually computes). There are otherwise useless implementation files (e.g., hw3E.c) in the distribution to help simplify this script -- it doesn't check whether or not the file exists and can be compiled, it just goes ahead and tries to compile it.

    You do not have to use this script. I can't imagine why you wouldn't, but if it's causing you problems you can just compile manually. To do that, issue a command like this:

    gcc hw3B.c -o hw3B
    If the compile succeeds, it will leave the executable in a file whose name depends on what kind of system you're running on: hw3B (Unix), or hw3B.exe (cygwin).

    What to Do

    For the most part, what to do is to complete the implementations as described in the table above. Here is a bit more information on parts E-G.
    Part E

    You should ignore (i.e., not count) characters and words from the first token on a line beginning '//' to the end of the line. You should count the line, even if all it has is a comment, and you should count any characters and words that precede the '//'. If '//' is embedded inside a token (or at the end) it is NOT considered to start a comment. (That is just to make things a little easier.)

    For example, if the full input is this (without the quotes -- they're just there because counting leading spaces would be hard without them, and there are no trailing spaces, just the \n at the end of the line):

    "This is a test // this part is ignored
    the output should indicate that there are 16 characters, 4 words, and 1 line. (Since we're counting this as a line, it makes sense to count the '\n' that ends the line as a character as well. That's how we end up with 16 characters.)
    Part F

    Take the code for the function that initializes the FSA out of hw3F.c and put it in its own file, hw3Ffsa.c. Now just get it to build. When you're done, this command should work:
    gcc hw3F.c hw3Ffsa.c -o hw3F
    To get this to work, the C compiler is going to need the type signature of the function you just moved while it's compiling hw3F.c. To arrange to tell it that, put the signature in hw3Ffsa.h. You'll need to use the extern keyword. Here's an example line that might go in a .h file, but for a completely different function:
    extern void myFunc(int id, char c);
    Part G

    This modification does two things: prints the counts, ignoring '//' comments for character and word counts, and prints the input it was counting with all '//' comments removed.

    Warning: this part is a test of design as much as it is a test of coding. You should end up with something I (me) can sensibly use. Think about what that might be (e.g., how and when can I use your program) and try to make your solution both flexible and convenient.

    Modify the README.txt file in this directory to contain a very short description telling us (a) what your solution is, and (b) exactly how to invoke it.

    Your solution must build with this command

    gcc *.c -o hw3G

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