CSE 303: Concepts and Tools for Software Development, Winter 2008
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Usage: sndcat inputFile0 inputFile1 ... inputFileN  outputFile

One or more input wave files, and a single output file. The name '-' indicates stdin for an input file and stdout for the output file. Results are undefined if the user specifies stdin more than once as an input file.
Creates a single output file containing all channels of the input files. Each sample of each input channel is divided by 256 - that is, it is not simply copied to the output file, but is first reduced in magnitude.

Channels 0, 1, ... of inputFile0 become channels 0, 1, ... of the output file. Channels from each successive input file are added in turn.

Samples are added to the output file channels completely ignoring the sampling frequencies of the input files -- there is no attempt to interpolate from an input file's sample rate to the output file's rate.

The number of samples in each of the output file's channels is equal to the largest number in any of the input channels. Input channels are zero-padded, if necessary. (That is, once the data in an input channel is exhausted, zeroes are introduced into the corresponding output channel as needed.)

Output File Format
#Channelssum of number in the input files
Frequencyfrequency of inputFile0
Sample size32-bits

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