CSE 303: Concepts and Tools for Software Development, Winter 2008
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 303 Computing: Getting Started


Usage: sndscale inputFile outputFile

An input and an output file name, followed by one or more gain values. The file name '-' indicates stdin for the input file and stdout for the output file.
Copies the input file to the output file, applying a gain that causes the maximum magnitude sample in the output file to be just slightly less than the maximum magnitude possible, given the sample size.

[In my implementation, I used 95% of the maximum possible value. Exactly what you use isn't terribly important.]

Note that a single gain is applied to all channels.

Output File Format
#ChannelsSame as input file
FrequencySame as input file
Sample size32-bits

Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
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Seattle, WA  98195-2350
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