Thank you for purchasing the Hammond Atlas of the World CD-ROM. This file contains some last-minute notes on using the product. Known Problems and work-arounds: 1. If your system does not run after installing the Hammond Atlas of the World on Windows 3.11. The Atlas installs the Win32s system, which sometimes causes driver problems that prevent Windows 3.11 from starting up properly. If this happens to you, look in your windows directory (probably C:\WINDOWS) for the files "system.ham" and "win.ham." These are backup files of your system created before the Atlas installed. In that same WINDOWS directory, copy the files back using the following commands: copy system.ham system.ini copy win.ham win.ini Then, to make sure, go into the root directory (C:\) and get the old versions of autoexec.bat and config.sys using the following commands: copy autoexec.ham autoexec.bat copy config.ham config.sys This should allow your system to run. However, installing and running the Atlas will probably require either finding versions of your drivers that are compatible with Win32s, or upgrading to Windows 95. Current drivers can be obtained from the manufacturer of your computer system. 2. This program may not work when run through the File Manager (on Windows 3.11), or the Explorer on Windows 95. If this happens, run it through Program Manager in Windows 3.11, or through the Start button in Windows 95. If the icon has been corrupted for whatever reason, simply re-install the program from the CD-ROM. 3. Every time you repeat the selection of a place name or feature to view (in QuickFind or the Index of the World), a new pushpin is created in the exact same place. Therefore, if you do this a few times, there will be a number of pushpins exactly one on top of another. If you select and delete the pushpin it will appear as if it didn't delete at all - actually, it simply revealed the extra pushpin beneath it. If you repeat the delete, you will eventually remove all the pushpins on that spot. 4. You may be told that the program is out of virtual memory or disk space. This is probably a result of having many maps open. Each map takes up space in your temporary directory (which can be set up through the Control Panel, or the autoexec.bat file.). If you get this error message, you should either free up disk space or close some maps. Another possibility is to lower your screen resolution. The amount of scratch disk spaced used by every open map is proportional to your screen resolution. If you change the resolution of your screen while the program is running, you will have to restart the program in order for it to work correctly. 5. The StateDB.OLD file. This file is where the program stores information about the push pins and bookmarks that you have created. In some cases a crash of the Atlas or your system will cause this file to become corrupt. To guard against losing your push pins and bookmarks, you should backup the "StateDB.OLD" file. Then, if it gets corrupt (the program will tell you), you can restore it by replacing the corrupted version with the backup. Also, you can easily delete all push pins and bookmarks the program has created, by deleting the current the "StateDB.OLD" file. The Atlas will then create a new file. 6. Starting the program while it is already running will cause the program to behave unexpectedly or even crash. Particularly under Windows 3.x, if you run a second copy of the program you will get a series of dialog boxes complaining about WinG or DOS errors. You can dismiss these dialog boxes. However, the stability of the running program may be compromised. It is recommended that you restart Windows after this occurs. Also, the Hammond Atlas of the World program requires several seconds to close down properly. It is not recommended that you re-start the program within 30 seconds of closing or you will get an error dialog. 7. Under Windows 3.x, be conservative about the number of map windows you open. Windows 3.x has significant resource limitations, therefore, it is not recommended that you have more than 5 or 6 maps open simultaneously. 8. Minimum of a 20 megabyte swap file. Although the program will run with a smaller swap file, IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU ONLY RUN THE PROGRAM WITH AT LEAST A 20 MEGABYTE SWAP FILE. Information on setting the swap file size is available from either the "386 Enhanced" control panel under Windows 3.x, or the "System" control panel under Windows 95. 9. Clicking on white space in the "Bookmarks" dialog. This problem only seems to occur under Windows 3.x. In the "Edit Booksmarks" dialog box, if you first click on white space in the region of the dialog that lists all of your bookmarks, then click "View" button the program will crash. Avoid doing this. 10. Under Windows 95 right mouse clicking on the application icon on the taskbar doesn't operate properly. When the application is minimized, if you right mouse click on the taskbar icon for the application, it restores the application to its previous state rather than giving you a popup menu. The popup menu appears but only after the application has been restored. When the popup menu appears you may use it like any other popup menu. 11. Under Windows 3.x "Share.exe" required. Under Windows 3.x, please make sure that you have "share.exe" in your "autoexec.bat" file or the atlas may not run correctly.