CSE 326 Late Policy -- Autumn 1999

Here's the policy we voted on during class on Sept. 29.

Assignments turned in late will be eligible for only a fraction of the original possible points as follows:


up to 24 hours late:                                           90 % of possible points.
turned in at the next class:                                 75  % of the possible points
turned in at 2nd class after the due date:            50 % of the possible points.
after the 2nd class after the due date:                no credit.

For example, if an assignment is due in class on Wednesday, then you must turn in your solution by the beginning of class the following Monday to get at most 50% credit, and if not turned in by then, you miss getting any credit for that assignment.

In some cases, special late policies may apply... for example, an assignment due on a Friday may have a special set of late deadlines.

This policy is a compromise between one with strict penalties but that also allows early posting of solutions on the one hand and one with more lenient grading but that doesn't permit posting of solutions until much later.