CSE 341 -- Programming Languages

Autumn 2000

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington

Steve Tanimoto (instructor) and Jeremy Baer (teaching assistant).

Assignment L1

Version 1.1 of September 25

Lisp Warmup 

Due date and time: Wednesday, October 4, 2000, at 1:30 (at the beginning of class).

Turn in this assignment as a hardcopy printout.


Title: Defining Functions in Lisp.

Purposes: Learn to use Lisp syntax, built-in functions, and learn to express recursive functions on list structures.

Instructions:  Read pages 2-73 in Symbols, Programs, Interaction.  Do the following exercises:
pp.10-12 # 1a,c,e; #2 (all parts);
p.16 # 1a,c,e; #2 a,b,c,d; #3 (all parts)
pp. 23-24 #1; #3.
p.31: # 4;
p.37: # 5;
p.42: #4
p.44: #3.

Individual Work:  This assignment requires individual work.  Do NOT work in teams on this assignment..