Additional details on Assignment L2

Turning in your work:

You'll turn in your work by simply filling out a web-based form.  You'll put in your name, email address,
the URL of your program, and the URL of an HTML page of documentation.

The documentation should cover the following items:
a. What features you implemented in whatever option you chose.
b. An example of a run (user input and program output) of your program.
c. (if applicable) A mention of any particular resources you used or references you consulted.

SHRINK Option:

In your documentation file, explain how you implemented each of the features you chose.



Features to implement:

Translate the user's description of the problem into a set of equations.
(Implement the set as a list).

Identify the variable whose value represents the answer to the problem.

Determine the variables in an equation.

Find an equation that contains only one variable.

Solve an equation for a particular variable.

Substitute an expression for a variable in either another expression or an entire equation.

Solve the user's problem by combining the techniques.

Implement the program so that it runs as a CGI script.

Features NOT required:

Handling nonlinear equations (e.g., quadratic).

Knowing standard formulas like Pi = 3.14159.

Handling punctuation in the user input.

Gracefully handling user input errors.

CGI based dialogs longer than one or two cycles.  This means that the user can simply go to a web page created as an html file,  fill out a form containing the input to the STUDENT, and then click on Submit.  Then the program's output should be presented as another web page.