CSE 341 MiniProject Topic Proposal Guidelines (Winter 2000)

Your web page should contain the following elements:
  1. A heading including a possible name for your project, your own name(s), and the phrase "-- Proposed Topic for CSE 341 Miniproject".
  2. What type of computation will your users be able to perform by programming in your system? (If they are simulations, describe them. If they are creation of graphics or animations, describe them., etc.)
  3. What ways can you forsee to make the set of possible computations richer? Less rich but easier for you to handle?
  4. Identify the type of programming system or the paradigm that the system would follow. (Data-flow diagram, control-flow diagram, decision tree, visual rule-based system, embedded language, etc.)
  5. What will be some of the fundamental primitives of your programming language or system? (If it's a rule-based language, what constructs will you provide to users to create their rules? If it's a language for creating graphics, what will some of the built-in objects and methods be? If it's a data-flow programming system for doing traditional numeric algorithms for factorial, fibonnaci numbers, etc., how will users refer to the operations and data?)
  6. What would the screen look like when the user is programming? (Give a brief description.)
  7. What would the screen look like when the user is running her/his computation? (Give a brief description.)
  8. Which language do you intend to implement your system in? (Lisp, Java, or Perl, or a combination of these).