List of Topics for Quiz 2 in CSE 341, Autumn 2001

sets, set membership, subsets
Russell's Paradox
cartesian Products
ML's primitive types, product types, and function types
ML's tuples and lists
ML's type inference
static vs dynamic typing
ML's type variables and polymorphism
List construction in ML
ML's let construct
overloaded operators

object-oriented paradigm
classes, instances, inheritance in Java
scoping modes: public, private, package in Java
overriding methods, abstract methods, abstract classes in Java
final classes and final methods in Java
Java interfaces
polymorphism in Java
Java's try, catch and throws Exception constructs
registering event handlers for button presses and
  mouse movements in the AWT and Swing.
instance members and static members in Java.
global variables in Java.
using an extra thread in a Java program.
thread priority.
objects vs primite types in Java.

the logic programming paradigm
formulas in the predicate calculus
variables, constants, functions, and terms
atomic formulas, literals, conjunctive normal form, clauses
Horn clauses
Edinburgh Prolog syntax
Prolog's ordering of attempts at unification
lists in Prolog