CSE370 Assignment 8 Solution

There are many possible solutions to this assignment. One is provided here to serve as a single example.


module ChkSumGen(Ein, LdChkSum, Op0, Op1, OE0, OE1, OE2, OE3, Eout, Clk, Reset);
  input		Ein;
  output	LdChkSum;
  output	Op0;
  output	Op1;
  output	OE0;
  output	OE1;
  output	OE2;
  output	OE3;
  output	Eout;
  input		Clk;
  input		Reset;

  reg		LdChkSum;
  reg		Op0, Op1;
  reg		OE0, OE1, OE2, OE3;

  /* Internals */
  reg [7:0]	state;
  reg [7:0]	next_state;

  /* State encoding {LdChkSum, Op1, Op0, OE0, OE1, OE2, OE3, Eout}            */
  `define START	 8'b00000000 /* wait for enable                               */
  `define CHK3   8'b11000010 /* move first nibble into chksum register        */
  `define CHK2   8'b10000100 /* add second nibble to chksum                   */
  `define CHK1   8'b10001000 /* add third nibble to chksum                    */
  `define CHK0   8'b10010000 /* add fourth nibble to chksum                   */
  `define ENABLE 8'b00000001 /* enable next block and wait until Ein goes low */

  /* State flip-flops with reset */
  always @(posedge Clk) begin
 	if (Reset) begin
 		state = `START;
 	else begin
 		state = next_state;

  /* Next state logic */
  always @(Ein or state) begin
 	 `START: begin
 		if (Ein) next_state = `CHK3;
 		else next_state = `START;
	 `CHK3: begin
		next_state = `CHK2;
	 `CHK2: begin
		next_state = `CHK1;
	 `CHK1: begin
		next_state = `CHK0;
	 `CHK0: begin
		next_state = `ENABLE;
 	 `ENABLE: begin
 		if (Ein) next_state = `ENABLE;
 		else next_state = `START;

  /* Output logic */
  assign LdChkSum = state[7];
  assign Op1      = state[6];
  assign Op0      = state[5];
  assign OE0      = state[4];
  assign OE1      = state[3];
  assign OE2      = state[2];
  assign OE3      = state[1];
  assign Eout     = state[0];




module P2S(Ein, D3, D2, D1, D0, S, Eout, OE3, OE2, OE1, OE0, OEChk, Clk, Reset, Go);
  input		Ein;
  input		D3;
  input		D2;
  input		D1;
  input		D0;
  output	S;
  output	Eout;
  output	OE3;
  output	OE2;
  output	OE1;
  output	OE0;
  output	OEChk;
  input		Clk;
  input		Reset;
  input		Go;

  reg		S;
  reg		Eout;
  reg		OE0, OE1, OE2, OE3, OEChk;

  /* Internals */
  reg [7:0]	state;
  reg [7:0]	next_state;
  reg [3:0]     data;
  reg [1:0]     cnt;

  assign data = {D3, D2, D1, D0};

  /* State encoding {OE0, OE1, OE2, OE3, OEChk, Eout, cnt[1:0]} */
  `define START	   8'b00000000 /* wait for enable               */
  `define SEND3a   8'b00010111 /* send first nibble             */
  `define SEND3b   8'b00010110 /* send first nibble             */
  `define SEND3c   8'b00010101 /* send first nibble             */
  `define SEND3d   8'b00010100 /* send first nibble             */
  `define SEND2a   8'b00100111 /* send second nibble            */
  `define SEND2b   8'b00100110 /* send second nibble            */
  `define SEND2c   8'b00100101 /* send second nibble            */
  `define SEND2d   8'b00100100 /* send second nibble            */
  `define SEND1a   8'b01000111 /* send third nibble             */
  `define SEND1b   8'b01000110 /* send third nibble             */
  `define SEND1c   8'b01000101 /* send third nibble             */
  `define SEND1d   8'b01000100 /* send third nibble             */
  `define SEND0a   8'b10000111 /* send fourth nibble            */
  `define SEND0b   8'b10000110 /* send fourth nibble            */
  `define SEND0c   8'b10000101 /* send fourth nibble            */
  `define SEND0d   8'b10000100 /* send fourth nibble            */
  `define SENDChka 8'b00001111 /* send check sum                */
  `define SENDChkb 8'b00001110 /* send check sum                */
  `define SENDChkc 8'b00001101 /* send check sum                */
  `define SENDChkd 8'b00001100 /* send check sum                */
  `define WAIT     8'b00000011 /* wait state for sending to end */

  /* State flip-flops with reset */
  always @(posedge Clk) begin
 	if (Reset) state = `START;
 	else state = next_state;

  /* Next state logic */
  always @(Ein or Go or state) begin
 	 `START:    if (Ein) next_state = `SEND3a;   else next_state = `START;    
	 `SEND3a:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND3b;   else next_state = `SEND3a;   
	 `SEND3b:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND3c;   else next_state = `SEND3b;   
	 `SEND3c:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND3d;   else next_state = `SEND3c;   
	 `SEND3d:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND2a;   else next_state = `SEND3d;   
	 `SEND2a:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND2b;   else next_state = `SEND2a;   
	 `SEND2b:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND2c;   else next_state = `SEND2b;   
	 `SEND2c:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND2d;   else next_state = `SEND2c;   
	 `SEND2d:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND1a;   else next_state = `SEND2d;   
	 `SEND1a:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND1b;   else next_state = `SEND1a;   
	 `SEND1b:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND1c;   else next_state = `SEND1b;   
	 `SEND1c:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND1d;   else next_state = `SEND1c;   
	 `SEND1d:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND0a;   else next_state = `SEND1d;   
	 `SEND0a:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND0b;   else next_state = `SEND0a;   
	 `SEND0b:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND0c;   else next_state = `SEND0b;   
	 `SEND0c:   if (Go)  next_state = `SEND0d;   else next_state = `SEND0c;   
	 `SEND0d:   if (Go)  next_state = `SENDChka; else next_state = `SEND0d;   
	 `SENDChka: if (Go)  next_state = `SENDChkb; else next_state = `SENDChka; 
	 `SENDChkb: if (Go)  next_state = `SENDChkc; else next_state = `SENDChkb; 
	 `SENDChkc: if (Go)  next_state = `SENDChkd; else next_state = `SENDChkc; 
	 `SENDChkd: if (Go)  next_state = `WAIT;     else next_state = `SENDChkd; 
	 `WAIT:     if (Ein) next_state = `WAIT;     else next_state = `START;    

  /* Output logic */
  assign OE0      = state[7];
  assign OE1      = state[6];
  assign OE2      = state[5];
  assign OE3      = state[4];
  assign OEChk    = state[3];
  assign Eout     = state[2];
  assign cnt      = state[1:0];
  assign S        = data[cnt];



Below are realizations of the logic of the two FSMs. Note that in both cases, the registers are in the center of the drawing. The logic to the right is used to decode the state (this is straightforward for ChkSumGen due to its almost-one-hot encoding while it requires some decoders for P2S due to embedding of a counter in the state vector). The logic to the left determines the state transitions and the values of each bit of the state vector. Finally, both machines have most of their outputs encoded in the state vector so this is a trivial set of wires to the output pins. In the case of P2S, there is also a multiplexer to select the right bit of the data bus.







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