CSE 373 Assignment 3

Due April 21 2000

This is a programming assignment, and so you must follow all the guidelines specific to programming assignments.


You will implement a new data structure, called a Split.  (This is not a standard name or a standard data structure.) A Split is like a binary search tree for two-dimensional data.  For example, suppose you have a bunch of cities on a map, and want to be able to look up a city based on its (x,y) coordinate, and perhaps find some of its neighbors. A normal list or binary search tree isn't much help here because the data has no natural linear ordering.  You could try ordering by one coordinate or the other, but then nearby cities could be far away from each other in the data structure.

We will create a tree structure that has four children per node, instead of the two children we were used to with binary search trees. A node will either be a leaf (containing info about one city), or a "split" node. Split nodes represent a rectangular area on the map, and the four children correspond to the four quadrants of that rectangle.

Note that this is slightly different from the way binary search trees work, because here all the data is in the leaves. Interior split nodes have no city data.



Figure 1: a map containing several cities


In figure 2, we have divided the map into four large sections. These four sections are the children of the root node in the tree. The upper right node has no cities, so that pointer will be null. The upper left node has one city (Seattle), so that child pointer will point to a leaf node representing Seattle.

The lower left section of the map has two cities (Portland and SanFrancisco). A single leaf node isn't enough, so we divide that section into 4 subsections. The root's lower-left child pointer will point to a split node (call it LL).  LL has four children of its own; two of them are null (the upper right and lower right) and two are leaves (upper left and lower left).

How did we decide the way in which to split up the map?  A very simplistic method is used -- whenever you need to split a section because you have more than one city there, divide the section right down the middle (both in x and y).  You'll note that the split in the lower right (the lines are at x=6000, y=6000) didn't accomplish much.  The three cities are still all in one section after that first split, and another split was necessary to separate them.


Figure 2: a map that has been split

It would have been better to split the lower right section at x=5000, y=7000, as shown in figure 3.

However, this would require more smarts than we will have time for.  Using the data to decide where to split is known as an adaptive technique (the data structure "adapts" to different input data).

Figure 3: a more efficient way to do the split--we will not try to do this!!


Here is a more direct representation of the tree structure for the example in figure 2.

You are given the following files:

There is also a sample solution provided so you can see what is supposed to happen.

The split.txt file consists of a list of data and commands, with a fixed organization. Each line must contain two numbers (x and y coordinates) followed by a string.  The contents of the string determine what the line will do:

Here is an outline of the provided structures, and what each function you write must do.

The split node structure

A split node contains 4 child pointers, arranged in a 2 by 2 array named kids. Using an array instead of four separate data fields allows us to use looping when we need to scan through all four children for some reason, instead of having to write the same code four times.

Each split node also stores the rectangle of the map that it covers. The fields x0, x1, y0, y1 determine the edges, as shown. Midpoints must be calculated when needed. For example, any city at position (x,y) where x0 <= x < (x0+x1)/2 and where (y0+y1)/2 <= y < y1 falls in the lower left section. To find or insert this city, we would need to visit the kids[0][1] child.

Note that I've used a single structure to represent both types of nodes (leaf and split). Simply ignore the data fields that don't apply, as described in the comments.

char *Find(PtrToNode pn, int x, int y)

As always, Find is the easiest function. It returns the city name at (x,y) if there is one, or NULL if not. Every split node contains four numbers which determine what rectangle the node is responsible for as described above. The find_child( ) function uses these numbers to determine which child pointer would be responsible for the city. As you travel down the tree, you will eventually hit either a null child (a failed Find), or a leaf node child (a successful find).

PtrToNode Insert(PtrToNode pn, int x, int y, char *name, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1)

Given the root of some subtree pn, Insert finds the appropriate spot to add a new leaf node, splitting if necessary. A recursive function will be easiest to write. Keep scanning down any split nodes as you do for a Find. If you hit a null pointer, you can just create the leaf node and insert it there. If you hit a leaf node, you will need to create a new split node and add both the old and new cities to that split node (use calls to Insert to do this).

The last 4 parameters are the bounds of the rectangle corresponding to this node. If the current node is a split, this info is redundant since it is already stored in the split node. However, if the current node is a leaf, you will need this info in order to initialize the new split node you create--otherwise we wouldn't know. Thus, you must calculate the new bounds each time you visit a child pointer of a split node, using the get_coords( ) function.

Insert returns a pointer to the subtree pn after the insertion. The caller should overwrite their old pointer with the returned value, because the root of the subtree may have changed. (Specifically, if the old subtree was a leaf, the new subtree will have a split node at the root instead.)

PtrToNode Remove(PtrToNode pn, int x, int y)

Removes the city at (x,y) from the subtree pn, if it exists. Returns the new root of the subtree. There are special cases to consider here.

If Remove returns null, we may also need to remove the current node. If the current node is a split node and has no children left, deallocate it and return null. If there is exactly one child left, and it is a leaf, we can deallocate the split node and return the leaf node. This will bump the leaf node one level up the tree. Note that you can't do this if the single child is a split! You would actually lose coverage of part of the tree, possibly causing future inserts to fail.

int ComputeSplitSize(Split S)

Recursively go through the tree, counting how many cities (leaf nodes) there are.

I have provided several helper functions which will significantly reduce the code you have to write. Take a look at the .cpp file and see what is available to you. You don't want to rewrite all that code, so read the skeleton file carefully before you start coding.


Make generous use of the dump( ) function. Call it before and after every step if you have to, so that you can see exactly where your bugs are happening. You can add lines saying "0 0 DUMP" to your input file without having to recompile the program.

Get all the functions working with just leaf nodes to start. You'll only be able to create one-node trees, but it's a first step.

Then, I'd suggest doing Insert, Find, and Remove in that order. You should find Remove to be fairly easy after having written Insert.

Start early so you can get help from the TAs! It's much easier to get live help than try to explain your problem over email.