Topic List for Quiz 2 in CSE 373, Winter 2002

This quiz covers:
 1. identifying appropriate instance characteristics.
 2. big O, Omega, and Theta notation.
 3. sorting using ranks of elements.
 4. Horner's rule for polynomial evaluation.
 5. equivalence relations, UNION-FIND abstract data type.
 6. bin sort, radix sort.
 7. sparse arrays.
 8. stack-based depth-first search.
 9. the basic image abstract data type, incl. math. description of images as
     functions.  Array implementation, quadtree implementation.
 10. run-length coding, median filtering, connected-components analysis,
 11. image compressing using Huffman coding.
 12. the dictionary ADT, and implementation using an association list.
 13. general definitions of trees and binary trees, including expression
     trees, tree traversal, array-based representation, full binary
     trees, complete binary trees, and linked representation.