CSE 373: Exams

Midterm 1

Date: Wednesday, October 27 (moved from Monday, October 25).
Format: A combination of multiple choice answers and written answers.
Topics: Sets, binary relations and their properties, functions, domains and ranges of functions, surjections, injections, and invertibility. Proof by induction. Linked lists, stacks, and queues. Big O notation and its variations.
Sample questions: Some sample questions were posted on INFACT, accessible via the Virtual Sections link on the course homepage. Solutions to those questions are either in INFACT forum, or given with the other induction problem solutions (see Assignment 3) or have been provided here by Ben Hindman. Now that the exam is over, we are posting solutions prepared by Ben.

Midterm 2

Date: Monday, November 22.
Format: A combination of multiple choice answers and written answers.
Topics: Priority queues and their implementation using binary heaps; heapsort; hashing, including computing hash functions of strings using Horner's method, load factors, open addressing and collision resolution using linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing, and deletion from hash tables; tree terminology, including depth, height, traversals and orderings -- preorder, inorder, postorder, level order; binary search trees; AVL trees and rebalancing operations on them; B-trees, disk tracks, sectors, blocks, latency, and transfer times; Quicksort; Huffman coding; UNION-FIND methods.


Date: Thursday, December 16. (Time: 8:30-10:20 AM).
Format: A combination of multiple choice answers and written answers.
Solutions to the sample final (distributed in class on Wednesday, December 8) can be found here.