Programming Projects

CSE 373, Spring 1998

Please be aware of the late submission policy. The programming project grading policy is given below.

Programming Project Grading Policy

In order to give students as much flexibility with respect to working environment as possible, we do not require a specific language or platform to be used for the programming projects. Therefore, we do not have electronic turnin. Instead we request that two items be turned in on the due date:

  1. A stapled printout of the program code
  2. Sample output on the provided test inputs

Grading will be done mainly on the basis of performance, so it is better to turn in a program which only implements some features than it is to turn in a program which tries implement all parts of the assignment but does not compile or run.

Important note: In order to prevent false sample output, we reserve the right to request a demonstration of any program. In general, the program's performance must be identical to the submitted output to receive credit. If the program was not written on campus, we will do our best to find as similar a platform as possible for the demo.

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