junit: It will be located at c:\Program Files\Java\junit Not much extra things to do for junit other than adding its class to the CLASSPATH environment variable. cunit: c:\apps\cunit I am not sure about other compilers, but if students are planning on using it, they will have to do some extra Project configuration. 1) Once students created a C++ Project with Visual Studio 2005, they should add CUnit's header path to their project. From the main menu: Project->[Project] Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories Then add c:\apps\cunit\include 2) For library path: Since the precompiled library that CUnit provided doesn't work with VS2005, I had to recompile it. Both release and debug version of the library are provided. From the main menu: Project->[Project] Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->Additional Library Directory Then add c:\apps\cunit\(debug|release) (yes, it is regex) Now, expand 'Linker' and you will see 'Input' tree node. In 'Input', you will see 'Additional Dependencies'. Please add 'libcunit.lib'. Without this, students will get link error. If students want to compile their own library, they can do so. They can either download the latest source (unsupported by us) from CUnit web page, or they can get it from \ntdfs\cs\nt\dist-area\programming\cunit\src\ (limited support by us).