CSE403, Software Engineering

Autumn 1999

Layering and Design Patterns


1)      Today, two things

a)      Understand the benefits of considering families of systems during software design, including the layering technique for achieving it

b)      Understand the very basic notions of design patterns

2)      Families of systems

a)      It is quite common for there to be many related versions of a software system

b)      True even omitting new versions intended “just” for adding features and fixing bugs

c)      Parnas makes the analogy to families of hardware systems

d)      The IBM 360 family is a great example

e)      One instruction set, many many implementations

f)       One goal was to meet distinct price-performance needs; another was to handle upgrading

3)      Software examples

a)      Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 2000

b)      Local language versions of desktop packages

c)      Federal vs. state versions of TurboTax

d)      Different Unix versions

e)      A bazillion others

4)      A common approach to developing members in a family of systems

a)      Design and build the first member

b)      Modify the first member to make the next member

c)      And so on

5)      Basic problem

a)      The basic problem is that this is reactive design

b)      The design one gets for a later member of the family is based not on the best design, but on the history that led to it

c)      Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny

6)      Parnas argues that there are significant benefits to anticipating the family in advance

a)      Premise

b)      There are collections of software systems in which one benefits enormously from understanding their commonalities before focusing on their differences

c)      These are program families

d)      One should explicitly design with this idea in mind

e)      Then the design will explicitly account for the family, leading to better designs

7)      Note

a)      In neither approach will the design for a later member of the family be the same as if it were designed on its own

b)      In the evolutionary approach, this is because it’s derived from earlier designs

c)      In the family approach, this is because it’s designed as part of a family

d)      This is a tradeoff that is likely to have benefits in the long-term

8)      Stepwise refinement

a)      This is the top-down style of program design that Parnas discussed at length

b)      Take your high-level task, decompose it into parts, assuming you can implement each part

c)      Then successive apply this technique to each of those parts, until you have a complete program

d)      Each of the parts that is not fully implemented represents a kind of family

9)   Example: sorting
$ x,y Î[1..N]½ A[x] < A[y] do

a)      You can think of this as capturing the entire family of exchange sorts

b)      Bubble sort, insertion sort, shell sort, quicksort, etc.

c)      The decisions about the order of indices to compare distinguishes the family members

10)   Stepwise refinement can reasonably be viewed as a design technique for representing families of systems

a)      But the approach is so top-down, which yields practical limitations

b)      In particular, one has to replay decisions from whatever node in the design tree is chosen, all the way down

c)      In small examples, small deal; in big systems, big deal; in really big systems, really big deal

11)   Layering

a)      Parnas’ later work focuses on layers of abstract machines as a way to design families of systems

b)      Another view is to design in a way that easily enables the building of supersets (extensions) and subsets (contractions)

c)      These are equally important directions to be able to move in software

d)      In a strict layered design, a level can only use the immediately lower level

e)      Levels often promote operations through to the next level

f)       In the strictest view, recursion would be prohibited

12)   The classic example is the THE operating system (Dijkstra)

a)       Level 5: User Programs

b)      Level 4: Buffering for I/O devices

c)      Level 3: Operator Console Device Driver

d)      Level 2: Memory Management

e)      Level 1: CPU Scheduling

f)       Level 0: Hardware

13)   Layering network protocols is another example

14)   The uses relation

a)      Parnas says to layer using the uses relation

b)   A program A uses a program B if the correctness of A depends on the presence of a correct version of B

c)      Requires A’s specification and implementation and B’s specification

d)      What’s the specification? Signature?  Implied or informal semantics?

15)           uses vs. invokes

a)      These relations often but do not always coincide

i)        Invocation without use example: name service with cached hints
ipAddr := cache(hostName);
if not(ping(ipAddr))
    ipAddr := lookup(hostName)

b)   Use without invocation: examples?

16)   Parnas’ observation

a)      A non-hierarchical uses relation makes it difficult to produce useful subsets of a system

b)      That is, loops in the uses relation (A uses B and B uses A, directly or indirectly) cause problems

c)      It also makes testing difficult

d)      So, it is important to design the uses relation

17)   Criteria for uses(A,B)

a)      A is essentially simpler because it uses B

b)      B is not substantially more complex because it does not use A

c)      There is a useful subset containing B but not A

d)      There is no useful subset containing A but not B

18)    Note again Parnas’ focus on criteria to help you design

19)    Design patterns

a)      Advanced chess players are in part superior because they don’t see each piece individually

i)        Instead, they chunk groups of them together

ii)       This reduces the search space they need to assess in deciding on a move

This notion of chunking happens in almost every human endeavor

Idiomatic usages are related to chunking

iii)     “What do I do to add today’s lecture notes to the 403 web page?”

(1)   Save as postscript (get the options right)

(2)   Run the Adobe distiller

(3)   Move the pdf to the course web directory

(4)     Edit the notes.html file

(5)     Check that it works

iv)     These kinds of usages show promise for automation or at least chunking

High level programming languages can be viewed as providing idioms that have proven generally useful

v)      These high level constructs are sometimes more, constraining the ability to see the pieces

vi)     Structures

(1)   Grouping together heterogeneous elements

vii)   Structured loops

(1)   Grouping together disciplined uses of comparisons and branches

viii)  Procedure call

(1)   Saving & restoring registers, jumps, …

So, what are design patterns?

b)      "a ‘well-proven generic scheme’ for solving a recurring design problem”

c)      Idioms intended to be “simple and elegant solutions to specific problems in object-oriented software design”

d)      A key to design patterns is that they are drawn from examples in existing systems

Not proposed solutions to possible problems, but real solutions to real problems

e)      They are language-independent

i)        Although some language support is starting to exist in some cases

f)       Again, there is an analogy to high-level control structures

Knuth’s 1974 article (“Structured Programming with go to Statements”) shows that this is not a language issue alone

20)   Patterns are a collection of low-level, “mini-architectures” that combine structure and behavior

a)      They are closely linked to the programming level

b)      Information hiding is a (higher-level) design notion, which is often supported in programming languages

21)   A very brief and incomplete example: the flyweight pattern (from the Gang of Four)

a)      What happens when you try to represent lots of small elements as full-fledged objects?

b)      It’s often too expensive

c)       And it’s pretty common

22)   An alternative approach

a)      Use sharing to support many fine-grained objects efficiently

b)      Fixed domain of objects

c)       Maybe other constraints

23)   Flyweight structure is shown with the object model above

a)      Flyweight (glyph in text example)

i)        Interface through which flyweights can receive and act on extrinsic state

b)      ConcreteFlyweight (character)

i)        Implements flyweight interface, shareable, only intrinsic state (independent of context)

c)      UnsharedConcreteFlyweight (row, column)

d)      FlyweightFactory

i)        Creates and manages flyweight objects

e)       This pattern can be instantiated in many situations

i)         The GoF book gives an example of text in rows and columns

ii)       You can go look if you want

24)    Classifications of patterns (original Gang of Four, GoF, patterns)

a)      Creational

i)        Abstract factory, builder, factory method, prototype, singleton

b)      Structural

i)        Adapter, bridge, composite, decorator, façade, flyweight, proxy

ii)       Behavioral

(1)   Chain of responsibility, command, interpreter, iterator, mediator, memento, observer, state, strategy, template method, visitor

25)   An historical aside

a)      The Gang of Four loosely based their initial work on that of architect Christopher Alexander

i)        Not a systems or software architect, but an architecture architect (with planning, too)

ii)       The Timeless Way trilogy

(1)   The Timeless Way of Building (1979), A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (1977), The Oregon Experiment (1975)

(2)   Not surprisingly, a focus on idiomatic solutions to common design problems

An enlightening experience

b)      I had an experience with two of the Gang of Four

c)       They sat down with Griswold and me to show how to use patterns to (re)design a software design we had published

i)         The rate of communication between these two was unbelievable

ii)       Much of it was understandable to us without training (a good sign for a learning curve)

26)   Evaluation

a)      Design patterns are not a silver bullet

i)        But they are impressive, important and worthy of attention

ii)       I think that (slowly?) some of the patterns will become part and parcel of designers’ vocabularies

iii)     This will improve communication and over time improve the designs we produce

vii)   The relatively disciplined structure of the pattern descriptions may be a plus