
CSE403 OPEN BOOK TEST Fri. May 22, 1998 8:30-9:20

Six (6) Questions, Equally Weighted.

Write your name at the top of each page. Write your answers in the space provided. Use the back of the same page if necessary.


1. Let S be a function that is executed every p units of time (S is a periodic function with period p.) If S fails to complete within p units of time, a fault handler F is called; F recovers from the timing fault and reenters S where it last left off.

Draw a statechart showing the behavior and interactions between S and F.












2. Suppose that file read and write requests are event classes, designated R and W, respectively. Instances of R and W must occur in sequence and satisfy the constraints: Instances of R must be separated by at least 2 time units from preceding instances of R and W, and at least one R must follow a W before another W event occurs.

Express these constraints in Real-Time Logic (RTL).











NAME _________________________

3. Assume that you are given the algebraic specification for an Unbounded Stack (class handout). Add a Bottom function to this specification. Bottom returns the first or bottom element of the stack.






4. Prove that {qy + r = x } is a loop invariant in the following code fragment. The input x and y are assumed to be positive integers. q and r are non-negative integers. State which axiom or rule that you use in each step of your proof.

q := 0; r := x;

while r >=y do


r := r - y;

q := q + 1;




5. The basic input symbols to a system are tick (from a clock), D and U (from a single button mouse), and eol. A valid input sentence consists of a sequence of characters followed by eol, where each character is followed by zero or more ticks. A character is a dot or a dash. A dot is a D followed by zero or one tick followed by a U. A dash is a D and U separated by two or more ticks.

(a) Write a BNF grammar that will generate all valid input sentences.










(b) Show how test cases for an input recognizer can be produced from the grammar for

i) the shortest non-empty sentence

ii) a sentence with either one dot or one dash (your choice)

iii) a sentence in which every rule and alternative is used at least once

For each case, list the rules used, in the order that they are used.












NAME __________________________


6. Describe an example of a multi-threaded Java program that one could write that could deadlock. The example should use the synchronized object features of Java. It is not required that you write a program.