Homeworks will be given out each Thursday normally, and will be due the following Thursday in class. Late homeworks will not be accepted.
HOMEWORK #1 Due: Thursday April 10

1a.Take the following machine language code and rewrite it in assembly language. Assume that the instructions are stored in sequential locations, starting at address 100.

0100:	1 1 1 2	start:		load		a
0101:	3 1 1 3			add		one
0102:	2 1 1 2			store		a
0103:	5 1 1 2			mul		a
0104:	4 1 1 1			sub		x
0105:	8 1 0 7			brpos		out
0106:	7 1 0 0			br		start
0107:	1 1 1 2	out:		load		a
0108:	4 1 1 3			sub		one
0109:	2 1 1 2 		store		a
0110:	0 1 2 3			halt
0111:	0 0 7 9	x:		number 		79
0112:	0 0 0 1	a:		number 		1
0113:	0 0 0 1	one:		number		1
b. What does the program do?

Computes the largest integer approximation to sqrt(x). In other words, it finds a such that a2 ≤ x and (a+1)2 > x, which since x is 79 in this case, is 8.

2a. Write an assembly language program to compute the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two positive integers m and n. (The gcd is the largest integer that evenly divides both m and n. Thus, gcd(20,8)=4, gcd(7,25)=1, gcd(9,27)=9 ) Use the following variation of Euclid's algorithm:

top:	load		x
	sub		y
	brpos		xgtr	; if x>y
	load 		y
	sub		x
	brpos		ygtr	; if y>x
	halt			; we get here only if x==y
xgtr:	store		x	; x=x-y
	br		top	; iterate again
ygtr:	store		y	; y=y-x
	br		top	; iterate again
x:	number		xxxx	; this stores x
y:	number		yyyy	; this stores y

We assume that the values for x and y are placed in the given locations before calling this code. When we are done, the gcd is in x and y.

There are a lot of other solutions that work, and we accepted those too.

There were two very common errors:


b. Assemble your program into machine language, starting at location 537.

Addr	code
537:	1548	top:	load		x
538:	4549		sub		y
539:	8544		brpos		xgtr	; if x>y
540:	1549		load 		y
541:	4548		sub		x
542:	8546		brpos		ygtr	; if y>x
543:	0000		halt			; we get here only if x==y
544:	2548	xgtr:	store		x	; x=x-y
545:	7537		br		top	; iterate again
546:	2549	ygtr:	store		y	; y=y-x
547:	7537		br		top	; iterate again
548:	0000	x:	number		xxxx	; this stores x
549:	0000	y:	number		yyyy	; this stores y

We included the assembly language program for clarity.