CSE 451: Introduction to Operating Systems


Section 6, May/3/2001

Jochen Jδger








1.    Project 3 tips, tricks and suggestions

2.    Page replacement

No changes needed in:

client.c, common.c, common.h, example_thread.c, threadpool.h, threadpool_test.c


Minor changes needed in:



Major changes needed in:

Lock: binary semaphore

Semaphore: counter

Condition variable: inside a lock, suspend and resume



pthread_mutex_t mutex;          // guarding critical sections

pthread_cond_t  job;    


pthread_cond_wait(&job, &mutex);


evaluate return codes


clock() approx of CPU time used by the program

time()  seconds since Jan/1/1970

double difftime(time_t t1, time_t t0) time passed in secs

int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz)

GMT –8  Pacific time

Sample writeup:

Thread pool API

The thread pool API consists of three operations:

1.    threadpool create_threadpool(int num_threads)

Preconditions:  num_threads > 0


o        Returns NULL in case of failure.

o        If successful, returns a pointer to a …


o        During the execution of the constructor only the constructing thread and the worker threads have access to the pool instance.

o        …

2.    void dispatch(threadpool pool, dispatch_fn job_fn, void* job_args)


o        pool is a valid thread pool instance.

o        The calling thread is not one of the thread pool's worker threads.

o        The code entered through job_fn does not call any operations on pool.

Postconditions: The job represented by job_fn has been dispatched to the thread pool and will eventually be executed. Maybe. See the list of bugs.


o        …


o        A successfully dispatched job should be guaranteed to be processed eventually, but the interface provides no way to indicate success or failure to the caller.

o        …


Thread pool implementation

The thread pool implementation consists of the thread pool structure, the three API methods, and the thread function that each of the worker threads runs in.

This is the thread pool structure:

typedef struct _threadpool_st
        unsigned int    num_threads;
        unsigned int    num_idle;
        pthread_mutex_t mutex;
        pthread_cond_t  job;
} _threadpool;

_threadpool::num_threads (num_threads) is used to keep track of how many pooled threads are managed by this thread pool.


Synchronization primitives

The thread pool implementation uses … mutexes and … condition variables:

_threadpool::mutex (mutex) is used to guard all critical sections.


Critical sections

There are … critical sections. The critical section in … exists to protect … all others …

·         The constructor has … critical sections.

o        The first …

o        …

·         The dispatch method has … critical sections.

o        …

·         The destructor has … critical sections.

o        …

Demand paging vs. swapping?




Why does page replacement work?




Beladys algo vs. SJF?




Beladys anomaly?




Belady nor LRU show Beladys anomaly, FIFO does





Counting algorithms:

-        LFU (least frequently used)

-        MFU (most frequently used)


LRU (least recently used) clock

instead of replacing page referenced furthest away in the past, replace page that is “old enough”


other names:

(NRU) Not Recently Used, 2nd Chance or clock algo




circular linked list of all physical pages


“clock hand” is used to select a good LRU candidate


if the ref bit is on, turn it off and go to next page



overhead if running out of memory

accuracy degrades if memory large



Enhanced LRU