Inside the Conservatory at Volunteer Park on Capital Hill
When the subject of the image is close to the camera (as the plants are here) the image is increasingly sensitive to drift. Inside the conservatory I used the tripod and Kainad head to steady the camera. In addition to the requirements, I implemented code to control the saturation and hue of an image. (more below)
The original Panoramic. The gaussian blending did very well with these pictures, much of the detail is retained even at overlaps.
Click to see larger image
In addition to the requirements, I wrote functions to convert RGB values to Hue, Saturation and Intensity. This way, I could increase the saturation to produce bolder and brighter images like the one below.
Click to see larger image
However, it seemed that increasing the saturation introduced random noise. This is more obvious with less detailed images, but notice the small green specs. Though I first thought it was the effects of overflow, I still haven't figured out why the noise is introduced. Having more time, I would have corrected for this noise. In the japanese garden image I apply a median filter to solve for it.