CSE 461 Autumn 2006
Homework 3B: RFID Networks / Design

Out: Sunday October 15
Due: Constantly, until Wednesday October 25, 11:59PM

Please print a copy of each report page as you modify it, for backup. Do not turn these pages in.

Version History


The goal of this part is to design an inventorying algorithm for an RFID reader, and to evaluate the effectiveness of your design. Evaluation can be done either using the simulation infrastructure (described shortly), or analytically, or some combination of both. (Some simple analysis to triage approaches or explain performance problems is always useful, as it helps decide what design modifications seem likely to be improvements.) If you want to do a purely analytic evaluation, and so entirely avoid programming, please talk with me first.

In our version of the inventorying problem, a number of tags simultaneously enter the field of the reader, sit there for a fixed time, and then simultaneously depart. The problem is to obtain the EPC's from as many of them as possible in that interval. We'll assume the reader has no a priori information about the number of tags likely to be in view.

All communication in this "network" is initiated by the reader - the tags never speak unless spoken to. Because the reader doesn't know which tags are there, it's not possible for it to send unicast frames: to do that requires a destination address (i.e., a name for a particular tag), and that's what it's trying to find out. Instead, all frames sent by the reader are broadcast. Frames cause tags to change their internal state. The action a tag takes on receiving a frame differs depending on its current state. The trick is to manipulate the (unknown) states of all the tags in a way that causes just one to be in a state where it will answer a request to send its EPC, and then to send that request.

Because the tags are primitive, they have very limited memory, and can only do a few things. Those things are defined by their specification and built into their hardware (and so not modifiable by you, the designer of the reader's software). The tags used in the simulator are based on the EPC Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Protocol specification. (That's a local copy. The official version is linked from this page.) The tags implemented in the simulator are somewhat simpler. This page gives an overview of them, and how they differ from the specification cited.

The essential problem in inventorying the tags is collision resolution, exactly the problem we've looked at for Ethernet and 802.11 wireless networks. In the case of RFIDs, collisions occur because multiple tags are likely to respond to a reader's request for EPCs. An apparent novelty of RFID collision resolution is that it runs in the receiver, rather than the senders, of the colliding frames. That isn't terribly important, except that it implies that all colliders are synchronized (by the reception times of frames from the reader) and almost certainly have to operate homogeneously.

Basic Reader/Tag Operation

You should read the description of the simulator and refer to the specification on which its based to gain a full understanding of how the system operates. But here it is in a nutshell. (See Figure 6.19, page 41 of the specification.)

Each tag has a Selected bit (SL), an Inventoried bit (INV), and an electronic product code (EPC). Both SL and INV are initially false.

The reader sends a Select directive, allowing it to set the SL or INV bits on some or all tags. Tags decide whether or not to set their bit depeneding on a mask send with in the Select frame. If the mask matches some substring of their EPC (which is a 64-bit string), they do so; otherwise they do nothing. A mask of length 0 is matched by all tags.

The reader can also send any of three forms of Query directive. Queries provide a window size and matching values for SL and INV. Tags whose current SL and INV values match those in the Query frame pick a random number from 0 to the window size minus one. If they pick 0, they respond with an RN16 frame containing a random number. The random number acts like a temporary address for the tag.

If the reader gets back just one random number, it sends an ACK frame to that random number. The tag that sent it originally recognizes it, and responds with an EPC frame, providing the reader with its EPC. If the next frame that tag hears is one of the Query frames, it sets its INV bit to true (footnote, Figure 6.19 of the specification).

A Strawman Collision Resolution Scheme

A strawman collision resolution algorithm is implemented in the simulator code. It causes each tag that has not yet been inventoried to pick a random slot between 0 and 31. Tags respond only if they have picked slot 0. If one tag does so, an EPC is (eventually) sent back to the reader, and that tag stops participating. Otherwise, there has been a collision or no tag has picked slot 0, and no progress has been made. Whether or not progress has been made, the reader just repeats this scheme over and over. (It has no reason to stop. For one thing, it can never know if it has managed to hear from all the tags. For another, it has nothing better to do anyway.)

Like the tags, the reader can be thought of as a simple FSA. Here's a picture of the strawman reader's FSA. The transition lable A/B means "if I hear an A frame, send a B frame and take this transition". If A is empty it means take the transition with hearing anything, and B empty means don't send anything. Other matches any condition not matched by other transitions. That includes a timeout, if nothing is heard back from the tags for long enough.

This scheme is particularly simple to analyze, so it's worth doing because the results can tell us something about how well it can work. If there are N tags in the reader's field, and they pick from Q slots, the probability that exactly one picks slot 0 is N(1/Q)((Q-1)/Q)N-1. The expected time to identify one tag, I(N,Q), is therefore the inverse, QN/(N(Q-1)N-1).

Let T(N,Q) be the expected time to identify all tags when N tags start in the reader's field. T(N,Q) = I(N,Q) + T(N-1,Q), with the boundary condition T(0,Q) = 0. That isn't too useful, except that it provides a handy way to compute T(N,Q). Here are some results, obtained using Excel for Q = 32:

Experience with the simulator indicates our reader/tags should be able to get through somewhere around a thousand "rounds" of the algorithm in a second, so we expect to get pretty good results from this simple scheme for N < 125 or so. It turns out we don't, though, indicating that either something is wrong with the analysis, something is wrong with the Excel spreadsheet, or something is wrong with the implementation (or all three!).

Hint to help you get started: The implementation correctly implements the FSA shown above. The Excel spreadsheet works. The analysis is correct (although admittedly limited, in that it uses only expectations and doesn't try to estimate the likelihood that all tags are identified).

Independently of that, the analysis suggests that this scheme has limited potential, because the running time is growing so fast once N gets somewhat large.

Reiterating The Task

You have two goals. The first is to design a collision resolution scheme the reader can use that allows it to identify "nearly all the tags nearly the time". That is, it should be robust to various values of N, to the bit error rate of the channel between the reader and the tags, and to the amount of time the tags are visible and/or bandwidth between the reader and tags (the two being the same if we assume processing times are fast enough that all delay is due to communication).

I expect you'll have to do a number of iterations of design and analysis to address this first goal. It's pretty much impossible to design the perfect scheme from scratch. It's always possible to design a scheme that does something (e.g., the strawman scheme). It's hard to know if that something is good or bad, relative to what is possible, without trying other schemes. So, this is an iterative process.

The second goal is to support the assertion that your scheme is a good one. This can be accomplished as a side-effect of the process above. If you've tried a number of approaches and picked the best, that's the essence of your assertion. (An alternative would be to "prove" some upper bound on what any scheme could possibly achieve, and then to show that the one you have comes close. That's harder, but a lot more convincing.)

One detail of the second goal is that you have to clearly state what you mean by being best. Schemes will differ by how well they do with big and small N, say. Given two schemes, neither may dominate the other for both cases. (The same could be true of other environmental factors, like the BER.) Picking a single scheme requires that you weigh the competing strengths and weaknesses of the schemes.

We're most interested in how well a scheme does as N increases. Other parameters of the simulator are the bit error rate (BER), bandwidth (BW), and time in reader (T). The basic settings for these should be BER = 1%, BW = 100,000 bps, and T = 1 second.


We're asking for both a report and your code (assuming you use the simulator). The emphasis is on the report, though - we might not even look at the code.

To make preparing the report easier and more worthwhile, we're providing a web interface that lets you create it as you work through your solution. The web interface supports the notion of an evolving sequence of algorithms. The work model it assumes is:

  1. I think of some basic approach, and have enough argument why it should work that it's worth investing the time to do some experimentation to check it out.
  2. I run experiments and get some results
  3. Based on the insights the experiments help me obtain, I either slightly refine the basic approach and try again or scrap the basic approach entirely in favor of another.
A web page documents a single design. Designs have major and minor version numbers, corresponding to the small modification / wholesale rethinking in step 3 above. Ideally, you fill in the form for an individual version in at least three distinct steps: the "why this is worth doing" part of the form before running experiments; the experimental results section just after obtaining them; and finally the post-mortem of what the results mean once you've had time to think about that.

A sample set of reports is available. The sample prevents you from saving any changes, but otherwise is fully functional. I leave it to you to decide whether the sample is A+ or D- work. It's goal, like that of your reports, is to clearly explain to potential readers what was done, why it was worth doing, what the results were, what the results meant, and what was done next as a result. I don't think that should take extremely verbose sections, but then again look at the length of this assignment writeup...


Your design document web pages
A UWNetID is required to access your pages. The first time you do so, you should be on a page that lets you edit V1.0. After that, you can use the buttons to move through versions, to create new versions, and to edit versions.

The "Major Version Description" is shared across all minor versions of the same major version. It can be editted only from the page for minor version zero.

Simulator Javadoc
A UWNetId is required.

Most all your code goes in method sim.RFIDReader.inventory(). The Javadoc and simulator documentation should help explain anything else you need to know.

Simulator source (V1.1)
The UWNetID protected, tar'ed, gzip'ed source, written in Java 1.5. (Tested on attu, as well as my office Windows box (using cygwin), but should run pretty much everywhere that has Java 1.5 or better).

It comes with a makefile - just say make in the topmost directory to build. (You might want to say make clean;make occasionally, as I'm not a Java programmer, and don't really understand Java's build process, which seems to interact flakily with make at times, or at least my makefiles.)

To run, say something like this:

java -cp . sim/RFIDSim 300 20 .01 100000 1000
The command line arguments are explained in a comment preceding sim.RFIDSim.main() in the source (and so are in the Javadoc as well).
EPC Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Protocol Specification

Simulator Description

Turn-In Procedures


In most circumstances we'll be grading exclusively on the contents of the web-submitted version documentation. We'll look at the code only if what you've said is particularly interesting or particularly suspicious.

Grading will be oriented towards process, rather than focusing exclusively on results. Your version documentation should show that you're learning things, are putting some thought into understanding why what you're observing is occuring, and making good decisions about what is worth trying next and what isn't. You don't have to have the best scheme possible to earn full credit. On the other hand, if what you're observing is completely impossible for a correct implementation of the scheme you claim it comes from, and you don't notice that, that's both simply a bug in your code and a definite negative regarding your grade.

Optional Extra-Credit

(The extra credit is small, and shouldn't be a reason to try to do this.)

Do any or all of these:

  1. Design and evaluate schemes that control two readers simultaneously inventorying the same set of tags.

  2. Let's define three classes of 2-reader algorithms. In the first, identical code (including all parameter settings) run independently in the two readers. In the second, identical code but different parameter settings run in them. In the third, the two run different code.

    How much benefit is gained as you move from from each class to the next? (Is there any motivation to think about non-homogeneous solutions to the two reader problem?)

  3. Change the simulator's link layer specification in ways that allow faster and/or more accurate inventorying. Your changes should be plausible -- don't inject something no real tag could do. (You could add new directives/frames, for instance, so long as what the tag had to do was simple.)

The first of these undoubtedly requires introducing sessions (as described in the spec) into the simulator. That should be very simple.

I think of the second as more of a theory problem than something one would address by simulation, although some insight might be possible from specific simulator experiments.

I think it's unlikely you'll find a breakthrough for the third option (with the possible exception of something that is in the real spec but I left out of the simulator). The committee designing the real spec has a lot of knowledge, and time to work things out.