Matt Cosand

[Begin obligatory bio]
Matt has been working with digital systems for quite a few years, and embedded systems for not as many. He hopes to continue with embedded software development after graduation.

When he's not dreaming up crazy projects for CSE, he's usually found pounding trails or getting tied up with knots as a Field Leader for King County Explorer Search and Rescue.
[End bio]
Development Engineer
Senior, Computer Engineering

Kevin Nichols

Hi there.  I hope the information on this web will be of use to you, and maybe help to give you some ideas for your own projects.  I've learned quite a lot, and gained more insight and experience in writing embedded systems code.

Good luck with your own projects, and remember to have fun!
Development Engineer
BSME, BSCE (in work)
(425) 338-1937

December 2000 - Matt Cosand, Kevin Nichols