CSE 466 Lab 6:
Getting started with Android


Do this tutorial and this tutorial. (for right now you can just do these tutorials with the android emulator)

Show us your results.

That's all...

If you wish to load the SDK and tools on your own laptop, see here.

Sometime over the next week, also try and get Android on your FriendlyARM, since you'll need this for your final project. Guy has all the files, so try and find him in lab sometime over the next week.

Final Project

Your final project is going to be to write an android application of your choosing. There really aren't many rules in choosing your application, however we will require that you confirm your idea with a TA before you start. Make sure you do this before next week's lab (March 2 for Tuesday's lab, March 4 for Thursday's lab). The due date for this final project will be sometime during finals week (we'll set a hard due date soon).

It is fine to work with multiple groups on an application (for example, for a networked application). However, please keep in mind that we will be expecting a more comprehensive project if multiple groups are involved.

Finally, we do have a few phones with Android loaded on them, which we may be able to use during the lab. We'll have to see exactly what the constraints are with these phones, but there is a possibility that you'll be able to use one of these if your idea is specific to an actual phone, and involves functions that may not be present in the FriendlyARM.