Help / How to use Verilog on CSE Machines

You can use the Unix machines ozette, calvin, hobbes or tolt to run your verilog programs. You can use the PCs in rooms 232 and 231 or the Xterms in room 329 to log into these machines.

On the PCs do the following:

            source .cshrc To make use of the advanced features of the verilog GUI and simulator, you have to start verilog as follows:

 verilog +gui -s file1.v file2.v

The +gui flag starts up the GUI environment. The -s flag stops the simulation at the first time step. Then you can use the various debugger like features to debug your verilog code. One feature which I find very useful is the Waveform Viewer. It generates waveforms over time, for the various signals in your verilog program. To use the waveform viewer, do the following:

It is a good idea to restart the verilog environment each time you make some changes to your verilog files.

Note for old users: The version of verilog available is a newer one which quite a few changes. It is also much more stable and the older version.

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