

  1. Search algorithms
  2. Space/Time complexity, Optimality, Completeness
  3. Heuristics
  4. CSP - variables, domains, constraints / Hill climbing & simulated annealing
  5. SAT and SAT solvers - DPLL (systematic) & Walksat (stochastic)

Game playing

  1. Minimax search
  2. Evalutaion function
  3. Alpha-beta pruning


  1. Universal and Existential quantification; translating sentences into formulas.
  2. Transforming logical formulas into CNF
  3. Resolution
    1. Negate conclusion
    2. Break up conjunction into conjuncts
    3. Use general and unit resolution
    4. Unify literals
    5. Derive contradiction


  1. Basic probability theory
  2. Conditional probability, independence
  3. Bayesian network -

Machine Learning

  1. Candidate Elimination/Version Space
  2. Decision Trees/Entropy
  3. Ensembles - Bagging, Boosting
  4. Instance-based learning - Voroni diagram
  5. Neural network


  1. STRIPS representation - propositional
  2. Translating STRIPS into logical formulas