CSE 473 Autumn 1998, Copyright, S. Tanimoto, Univ. of Washington 
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Dec 2, 1998)

"Planning: The STRIPS Approach"

Motivation: Problem-Solving Before Action

While many search problems consist of exploring a space of states in order to find a particular state that corresponds to a solution, or to find a path through the state space to a goal state, there are some search problems in which the path through the state space corresponds to a sequence of actions in "the real world".

Finding (in the computer) a sequence of actions to perform (in the real world) is called planning.

An example of real world actions are manipulations of a robot arm.
Another is taking flights as part of an airplane trip.

Planning typically involves a particular flavor of problem solving:  the state spaces are huge, and the "moves" tend to be operators that affect particular components of the state.  Operators are often described in terms of their preconditions and postconditions.

Blocks World

In part because early experiments with robots involved manipulating blocks on a table,
it is common to present planning algorithms using examples involving moving blocks.

The blocks world is an informal problem-solving domain in which there is a flat horizontal surface called the table, and there are several blocks with simple geometric shapes.  In presentations of planning methods, the blocks world is usually two-dimensional, and the blocks are usually square.

(On the other hand, in computer vision work, the blocks world is three-dimensional, and the blocks are rectangular prisms or other polyhedra).

[C ]
[A]      [B]               <- blocks
------------    <- tabletop

The 2D blocks world usually has various properties such as having gravity; objects cannot be suspended in space but must be supported on the tabletop or other blocks.

The size of the space may be an issue, and it is common to assume that it is a "cellular" space, in which each object is always in one of a discrete set of places.

Typical moves in such a blocks world are move a gripper on unit of distance in one of the directions north, east, west, or south or to open or close the gripper.

At a higher level of abstraction one can have moves consisting of picking up one block (whose top must be clear) and placing it either on the table or upon another block (whose top must also be clear).

Planning with Iterative-Deepening DFS

Suppose the problem is to find a sequence of moves that transforms a starting configuration (e.g., three blocks side-by-side on the table) into a goal configuration (e.g., a tower with block A on top, B in the middle, and C on the bottom).

One way to solve this problem is with a blind search such as breadth-first search or IDDFS.

At least these two algorithms find a shortest path to the goal.

IDDFS has the advantage that its storage needs then to be lower than those for Breadth-FS.

The STRIPS Representation

In order to modularize the operators for robot planning problems, researchers at SRI (formerly the Stanford Research Institute) in Menlo Park, CA, developed a representation now known as the STRIPS representation.  This representation facilitates reasoning about the planning situation as well as doing the planning.

Rather than giving a function that performs the "move", we give two lists:

ADD LIST:  A list of statements (in predicate calculus) that should be added to the state description in order to show the effects of the operator.

DELETE LIST: A list of statements that should be removed from the state description.

However, before an operator can be applied to a state, the state must satisfy the "preconditions" of the operator.

PRECONDITIONS:  A list of statements that must be true in the state in order for the operator to be meaningfully applied to it.

World-Space vs Plan Space Planning

We have thus far seen examples of planning in "world space".  Each state that is visited corresponds to a configuration of conditions in the world.  One problem with this is that if a poor choice of operator is made early on in the search, the algorithm lives with the consequences for a long time.  Then after that move is retracted, many good moves previously done by the algorithm must be rediscovered.

In order to avoid such inefficiency, another approach has been studied.  This is to let the operators transform not the state of the world (or state of the model of the world) but the plan itself.  Operators can add new steps to the plan, combine partial plans, create new pieces of plans, etc.  Reasoning about partial plans as constructed in plan space can be more complicated than for those constructed by a world-space planner, and this is the price one may pay for the extra efficiency possible with plan-space planners.


Last modified: December 1, 1998

Steve Tanimoto
