CSE 473 Autumn 1998, Copyright, S. Tanimoto, Univ. of Washington 
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Oct 19, 1998)

"Making the Transition to First-Order Logic"

Motivation: To Increase the Resolution of Representation

An Example

"Every murderer is guilty.  Claythorne is a murderer"

How can we represent these to permit us to prove "Claythorne is guilty"  ?

Possible atomic propositions
P1:  Every murderer is guilty.
P2: Claythorne is a murderer.

P3: Claythorne is guilty.
P4. X is a murderer.
P5. X is guilty.

The following syllogism is valid...

1.  P2 -> P3
2.  P2


Suppose we add P6: "Armstrong is a murderer".
We cannot prove Armstrong is guilty unless we add
"If Armstrong is a murderer then Armstrong is guilty".

To take advantage of the knowledge that every murderer is guilty,
we need to "get inside" the proposition and use variables.

Predicate Calculus Syntax

Any formula of the propositional calculus is also a formula of the predicate calculus.

However, the atomic propositions can take on an additional form: a predicate symbol followed by one or more arguments in parentheses.

P(x, a, f(x))

Each argument is represented by a term.

A term is either a variable, a constant, or a function of one or more terms.

If F is a formula of the predicate calculus, then the following are also formulas:
Forall x F
Exists x F



P(a) ^ Forall x ((P(x) ^ Q(x))-> R(f(x)))

Informal interpretation:
Thirteen is a prime number and the square of every prime number greater than two is odd.


"Interpretation" of Predicate Calculus Formulas

An interpretation consists of a specification of:
1. a set of elements called the domain,
2. for each constant symbol in the formula a particular domain element,
3. for each n-ary function symbol in the formula a mapping from n-tuples of domain elements to individual domain elements,
4. for each n-ary predicate symbol an n-ary relation on elements of the domain.

For the example:
1. domain: the integers
2. constant a: 13.
3. function f:  f(x) = x^2
4. predicates: P: {(2), (3), (5), (7), (11),... } i.e., primes; Q: {(3), (4), (5), (6), ... } i.e., numbers greater than 2; R: { (1), (-1), (3), (-3), ... }, i.e., odd numbers.

A Set of Formulas vs One Formula

Let S be a set of predicate calculus formulas.   S = { F1, F2, ..., Fn }

We can easily combine them into one formula by ANDing them together.
  F1 ^ F2 ^ ... ^ Fn

It is customary, however, to talk about a set of formulas, even though what is usually meant is the conjunction of them.

A "Model" for a Formula or Set of Formulas

Let S be a set of predicate calculus formulas.

Suppose M is an interpretation that satisfies every member of S.

Then M is a model for S.

Let S = {  P(a), Forall x (P(x) -> Q(x)) }

Take domain = { John, Mary, James }
           constant a = John
           predicates P(x) iff x is a male, i.e., {(John), (James) }
                               Q(x) iff the name of x starts with J, i.e., {(John), (James)}

This interpretation satisfies P(a) because John is a male.
It also satisfies Forall x (P(x) -> Q(x))  because every male in the domain has a name that begins with J.

Therefore, this interpretation is a model for S.



A set S of formulas is consistent iff there exists a model for it.

A set S of formulas is inconsistent iff every interpretation of S fails to satisfy at least one formula in S.

An inconsistent formula (one that has no model) is called a contradiction.

A formula for which every interpretation is a model is called a tautology.

A formula for which at least one model exists but not all interpretations are models is called a satisfiable nontautology.


Term substitution as a means of inference

substitute any term for variable x.
Note that P(x) here is assumed to by universally quantified.

Example: Show that S = { ~P(f(y), P(x) } is inconsistent.

Substitute f(y) for x in P(x) to get P(f(y))
Now P(f(y)) and ~P(f(y)) are opposites.  No single interpretation can satisfy both of them.  Therefore, S has no model.


Last modified: October 19, 1998

Steve Tanimoto
