  • inductive 57,1835 sld002.htm,0 sld003.htm,0 sld004.htm,131
  • If all examples have the same classification, then this combination of attribute values is sufficient to classify all 41,1318 sld005.htm,0 sld006.htm,0 sld007.htm,27 The Entropy 8,198 sld008.htm,51 <LI>Gain(S, A) = Entropy(S) – ?v ? values(44,1530 sld009.htm,0 sld010.htm,0 sld011.htm,0 sld012.htm,0 sld013.htm,0 sld014.htm,77 <LI>Attribute values omitted in training set cases or in subsequent 48,1502 sld015.htm,0 sld016.htm,0 sld017.htm,0 sld018.htm,0 sld019.htm,37 <LI>missing attribute value(38,1262 sld020.htm,0 sld021.htm,21 <LI><H2>The 38,1289