Submission Instructions

You should gather all the code that you used in your project into one directory subtree on the NT file system (ifilesrv1\students or rfilesrv1\students) and include a README file in each actual directory decribing the files in that directory. You should also include in the main directory's README all the details specified in the homework assignment plus: At least one person in each group should also e-mail me the names of the team members and where the submission is. That e-mail is your submission, so send it by 5PM Friday! If you want to change your assignment after that, send me e-mail again (I'll be copying your files off to another location).

How to make a directory TA-readable

In explorer, open the root directory for your project (wherever you are putting the submission) on the ifilesrv1 or rfilesrv1 share. Right click on the folder and open properties. Click on the Security tab and then the Permissions button. Add CSERESEARCH\wolf to the list with read permission. Now, check the boxes labelled Replace Permissions on Subdirectories and Replace Permissions on Existing Files. Hit OK and it should change the permissions. You can send me e-mail asking me to test the settings if you're worried they didn't work right, but make sure you send the full path since I won't have permission to read the parent directories.

While you're changing these permissions, you may also change the permissions on your general 473 directory to allow alon and wolf read access. If you do that, you can refer to code in e-mail to me and I can look it up in your directory. Note: you do not have to do this, but it will help me answer your questions.