Project Presentation


Here are the guidelines for your project presentation:

Plan for 30-40 minutes for your presentation, which will give each of you about 10 minutes.

You should treat this as a presentation of your group to the larger organization. They will be deciding whether to continue your project and turn your prototype into a product. As such, they will be sceptical of your ideas and your design. Their job is to make sure you've not swept anything under the rug - your job is to convince them you've thought of everything and that your architecture and design are rock-solid.

Presentations are not easy, and slides actually make it harder to do a good presentation. You do not want the audience to read your talk off the slides, and you definitely don't want to read it to them off your slides!

Slides should contain little text: A simple outline or highlights that provide the audience some context should suffice. You should not put on your slides what you can just tell the audience in words. Slides should be used for figures and graphics that get your ideas across better than words.

I plan to videotape your talk - please dress nicely.

1. Motivation - (5 min)
    What were you trying to do and why it is interesting?  You should describe  the finished product here so that
    people will care enough to listen to the rest of your talk.

2. System Overview - (5 min)
    Describe the system architecture of your project showing the major components (HW & SW) and how they interact.
    You must use figures to describe your system architecture.    The success of your presentation depends a lot on being
    able to present the system architecture at the right level of abstraction.

3. Design details - (20 min)
    Describe the interfaces between components, and the functionality of each component. For those components that are
    especially tricky, dive into enough detail to convince the audience that you've got it right.

4. Conclusion/Summary - (5 min)
    Tell us what you were able to accomplish - or will be able to accomplish.
    Tell us something of what you learned, i.e. good decisions and bad decisions
    and what needs to be changed to turn your prototpye into a real product.

Last Update: 06/03/02