Computational hardware


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Table of Contents

Computational hardware


Microprocessor basics

Microprocessor basics (cont’d)

Microprocessor organization

General-purpose processor

Embedded processor

Why embedded processors?

Typical general-purpose architecture

Typical task-specific architecture

How does this change things?

Interactions with the environment

Sensing external signals

Controlling external signals

Time and instruction execution

Time measurement via parallel timers

Input/output events

System bus based communication

Support for communication protocols


Microcontrollers (cont’d)

Microcontroller we will be using

SA-1100 Architecture

SA-1100 Pins

SA-1100 Memory Map

SA-1100 Vector Map

SA-1100 Instruction Timings

SA-1100 Clocks

SA-1100 General-Purpose I/O Pins (28)

SA-1100 GPIO Pin-Level Register (GPLR)

SA-1100 GPIO Pin Direction Register (GPDR)

SA-1100 GPIO Output Set/Clear Registers

SA-1100 GPIO Alternate Functions

SA-1100 GPIO Register Locations

SA-1100 Interrupt Logic

SA-1100 Sleep Modes

SA-1100 Peripheral Control Module

SA-1100 Peripheral Pins

Development board we will be using

StrongARM MDB Connections

MDB and PCI Backplane

Companion board to MDB

SA-1101 Companion Board Connections

PPT Slide


Why this choice? (donated by Intel Corporation)

Programming the SA1100

A sample program (main.c)

Busy wait function (sa1100.c)

Timer interrupt functions (sa1100.c)

Interrupt setup functions (sa1100.c)

Installing and interrupt handler (sa1100.c)

Including assembly code (SA1100asm.s)

ARM Project Manager After Successful Build

Debugger In Progress (breakpoint at red line, current exec. point at green)

ARM Debugger loading program to board (with assembly shown in Execution Window)

ARM Project Manager during build with errors (error is variable declaration in for loop – last line of code window)

Ground rules for the lab (SIG 327)

Author: Gaetano Borriello


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