CSE477 Projects from Spring 2004

Project List

  1. Group a - Michael Backman and Richard Bannon (status)
  2. Group b - Scott Batura and Daniel Nealey (status)
  3. Group c - Daniel Binuya and David Sunderland (status)
  4. Group d - Nathaniel Brown and Chris Mordue (status)
  5. Group e - Saurav Chatterjee and Andrew Ebaugh (status)
  6. Group f - Jacob Christensen and Jai Modi (status)
  7. Group g - Ryan Frazier and Brett Newlin (status)
  8. Group h - Jerry Fu and Philip Grin (status)
  9. Group i - Christopher Good and Jared Wilkin (status)
  10. Group j - Nate Hansen and Tian Li (status)
  11. Group k - George Huang and Huy Nguyen (status)
  12. Group l - Alex Norman and Karl Yerkes (status)
  13. Group m - Tony Offer and Christopher Palistrant (status)
  14. Group n - Kevin West and David Zhao (status)

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