CSE 503: Software Engineering

Required Work

Winter 1999

The required work in this class consists of

  1. Four homework assignments (15% each)
  2. A take-home midterm exam (15%)
  3. A final project (25%)
  4. Participation in class and in email discussions (OK, this isn't required, but it is an important intangible)


  1. Assigment #1 (Due 1/15/99, with part due on 1/8/99 by lecture)
  2. Assignment #2 (Due 2/1/99)
  3. Assignment #3 (Due 2/17/99)
  4. Assignment #4 (Due 3/12/99)

Final Projects

  1. Projects may be done singly or in pairs
  2. The details of the project must be negotiated with the instructor, but a lot of leeway is permitted
    Negotiated topics
  3. You should start discussing ideas with me early in the quarter
  4. The form of the report may vary, but in general should take the form of a web page accessible to the rest of the class
  5. The project proposal must be negotiated with me no later than Friday February 12, 1999
  6. Projects are due on Thursday March 18, 1999 (but are appreciated earlier!)
  7. For projects done in pairs, the grade will almost certainly be identical for both participants
  8. The project is intended to be a significant one; if it were a term paper, I would like it to be in the 15-20 page range; (like software, it is hard to size projects effectively) new2.gif (111 bytes)