CSE 590 TU: Image Understanding

Autumn 2002

CSE 590 TU: Homework Set 2
Color Clustering and Skin Finding

Download the software you need
Download the images you need: zip, tarred gzip

In this assignment, you will segment images containing faces by color, and use your results to develop an automatic skin finder.

face image segmented by color skin pixels highlighted

What You Should Do

The steps you should take (after downloading the images) are as follows:
  1. Pick several images from the set.
  2. Run the k-means algorithm on the colors of each of the chosen images (or the whole set of images at once). This will assign each pixel to one of k clusters.
  3. Examine the clusters in a color-space histogram (by hand) and come up with a characterization for skin pixels. That is, create a classifier that classifies pixels as "skin" or "not skin" based on the color values.
  4. Run your skin finder on the remaining images from the set, and see how well it performs.

Things to keep in mind:

Extra Credit

Here are some ideas for improvements to the basic assignment, any of which will earn some extra credit:

Of course, if you have other ideas for improvements, you are free to ask us about them.

What You Should Turn In

You should turn in the following (print it, create a web page and send the URL, or send files in email to iansimon@cs.washington.edu):

Remember that you should put headers on all your routines with the following information: