Poker With Dogs
Evan Welbourne
CSE 576 - Project 1, Intelligent Scissors

To make this artifact, I used two original images, 6 masks cut with intelligent scissors, and a number of photoshop features (layers, opacity changes, "dry brush" filter, cloning tool, skew transformation).  The original images (in shrunken form to save space) and a detailed description of the creation process follow.  For a more coherent picture, I've included a picture of the intelligent scissors contours rather than the masks.

Some dogs enjoying a rowdy game of poker (above).  Image can be found with a Google image search on "dog poker".

A posed picture I took of myself with a digital camera (left).

   To begin, I created a mask of my silhouette with the intelligent scissors, and used it to cut and paste myself in with the dogs as a new layer (right).

   Next I cut out the back of the Bulldog's chair using three masks from the intelligent scissors program (below).

   I then cut out the right leg of the chair and the Ace being passed beneath the table using masks from intelligent scissors.

   I then layered all the cut-outs with me on the bottom to make it look like I was sitting in the chair.
Finishing touches:
- I used the clone tool to "clone-out" the pieces of the Bulldog
  that my image is on top of
- I skewed the Ace so that it was at the better angle to fit into my hand.
- I applied the "dry brush" filter to my image to make it look like I was
  part of the drawing (at least sort of).
- I added a top layer with 25% opacity in which I added some lighting
  effects (light on my hat, shoulders, and right knee).