Image Scissors:  A Computer Vision Lesson in Image Analysis

                                                                                                                EE/CSE 576 Spr. 2003
                                                                                                                Megan Hazen


The purpose of this assignment is three-fold:  To familiarize the student with filtering techniques, to examine a method of segmenting an image, and to play with some image processing programs/techniques.  The algorithm is based on the 1995 SIGGRAPH paper by Mortensen and Barrett:  Intelligent Scissors for Image Composition.  It also uses Dijkstra's well known shortest path algorithm.

In this implementation of the algorithm, a cost to move from a pixel to each of its neighbors is calculated.  The cost is proportional to the gradient of the image perpendicular to the edge between the two pixels.  In this code, the (un-normalized) gradient values were calculated by:
[0 -1 0; 0 0 1; 0 0 0] for the upper right diagonal, and [0 -1 -1; 0 0 0; 0 1 1] for the right hand side.  These masks were rotated by 90 degrees to get the analogous maks for the remaining diagonal and perpendicular edges.

To demonstrate this code, I have created the following picture:
plush dinosaur eating Josh

To create the picture I used two images.  The first was a picture of my pet dinosaur, Rawr, sitting on our couch:just the dinosaur

The second was of my husband showing off our new stove:

I guess the stove and all made the dinosaur hungry, because he decided to eat Josh.  In order to portray this, i used the image scissors program to draw a boundary around Josh, and then create the following mask of his image:
Josh's silouette

I created a new layer in the photo of Rawr, and then added the mask to the layer.  After I applied the mask, i was able to rotate and scale the image so that Josh fit into Rawr's mouth.  My guess is that Rawr will sleep well tonight, which such a full stomach!

Just in case anyone is too concerned about Josh, here he is with Rawr, being friendly this time:
Josh standing next to rawr