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 CSE583 Assignment 2 Solution (Winter 2000)
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This assignment is due on Friday, February 11, 2000 at 5PM PST.  We will make an announcement later about the specific electronic form for turning in the assignment.

There is no programming for this assignment!

  1. (21 points) This question concerns abstract types and subtypes, parameterized types, and the contravariant rule. We have an abstract type Consumer, parameterized by T, the type of object that the Consumer consumes. Consumer has a single operation eat, which takes a single argument of type T and doesn't return anything.   We also have an abstract type Producer, again parameterized by T. Producer has a single operation make, which takes no arguments and returns an object of type T.  Finally we have an abstract type ProducerConsumer, again parameterized by T, the type of object that the ProducerConsumer contains. ProducerConsumer has two operations: eat and make.  Using the contravariant rule, what is the subtype relation between the following pairs of types? (The answer to each question would be either X is a subtype of Y, Y is a subtype of X, or neither is a subtype of the other.)
  2. Recall the rules for contravariance and covariance: I'll use the convention that a ' after a type variable denotes subtyping, so S' <= S and T' <= T.  With this convention, contravariance means S->T' <= S'->T and covariance means S'->T' <= S->T.  Recall also that to determine whether a (complex) type U is a subtype of another (complex) type V, we first determine whether U has at least as much information as V (i.e. all fields and methods of V appear in U) and then whether all the elements of U which also appear in V are subtypes of their corresponding V element.  (In other words, if field or function f appears in V, it must appear in U and the version of f in V must be a subtype of the version of f in V.)  In the end, we'll need to determine which versions of eat and make (whether instantiated with integers or numbers) are subtypes of one another.  In the following table, eat[I] is the version of eat instantiated with Integer, make[N] is the version of make instantiated with Number, etc.  The column labeled Type signature is the type signature of the proposed subtype relationship.  The column labeled Generic Type signature is the type signature with Integer converted to S' (or T') and Number converted to S (or T) as appropriate, to indicate that Integer is a subtype of Number.  Once the subtyping relation is expressed in these terms, we can simply check it against the contravariance and covariance patterns above.  (Note that every type is a subtype of itself, so void<=void is always true.)
    Functions Type signature Generic Type signature Contravariance?
    S->T' <= S'->T
    S'->T' <= S->T
    eat[I] <?= eat[N] Int->void <?= Num->void S'->T <?= S->T No Yes
    eat[N] <?= eat[I] Num->void <?= Int->void S->T <?= S'->T Yes No
    make[I] <?= make[N] void->Int <?= void->Num S->T' <= S->T Yes Yes
    make[N] <?= make[I] void->Num<?= void->Int S->T <= S->T' No No

    Each of the following answers uses the contravariance column of the above table to compare function subtyping relationships.  For brevity, I will abbreviate Producer as P, Consumer as C and ProducerConsumer as PC and Integer and Number as I and N respectively.

    There are two steps to determine whether A <= B.  1) Determine whether all variables and functions defined in B are also defined in A; and 2) Determine whether the versions of those variables or functions, as defined in A are subtypes of the versions defined in B.

    Each part is worth 3 points

    1. ProducerConsumer[Integer] and ProducerConsumer[Number]

    2. Neither is a subtype
      First we'll check if PC[I] <= PC[N]
      1. Are all functions defined in PC[N] provided in PC[I]? Both provide eat and make, so yes.
      2. Are the PC[I] versions of eat and make subtypes of the PC[N] versions?  make[I] <= make[N], but !(eat[I] <= eat[N]), so that direction fails.
      Now we can check if PC[N] <= PC[I].
      1. Again, both make and eat are provided by both.
      2. !(make[N] <= make[I]) so again, the subtype fails.

    3. Consumer[Integer] and Consumer[Number]

    4. Consumer[Number] <= Consumer[Integer]
      1. Both types provide the eat function
      2. eat[N] <= eat[I]

    5. Producer[Integer] and Producer[Number]

    6. Producer[Integer] <= Producer[Number]
      1. Both types provide the make function
      2. make[I] <= make[N]

    7. ProducerConsumer[Integer] and Producer[Number]

    8. ProducerConsumer[Integer] <= Producer[Number]
      1. PC[I] provides both the make and the eat function, P[N] provides only make, so !(P[N] <= PC[I]), but it may be that PC[I]<= P[N], check the make function
      2. make[I] <= make[N]

    9. ProducerConsumer[Number] and Producer[Integer]

    10. Neither is a subtype
      1. Again, PC[N] provides both make and eat, while P[I] only provides make, so !(P[I] <= PC[N]).
      2. Since !(make[N] <= make[I]), !(PC[N] <= P[I])

    11. ProducerConsumer[Integer] and Consumer[Number]

    12. Neither is a subtype
      1. PC[I] provides strictly more functions than C[N], we know that !(C[N] <= PC[I])
      2. Since !(eat[I] <= eat[N]) we also know that !(PC[I] <= C[N])

    13. ProducerConsumer[Number] and Consumer[Integer]

    14. ProducerConsumer[Number] <= Consumer[Integer]
      1. PC[I] provides both eat and make, while C[I] only provides eat, so !(C[I] <= PC[N]).
      2. eat[N] <= eat[I]

  3. (21 points) The same as the previous question, except use the covariant rule. If the covariant rule gives an incorrect answer, sketch a program that breaks; or one that will always execute without type errors, even though the covariant rule says it is incorrect.
  4. Again, the basic procedure is: 1) are all the fields and methods provided by the potential supertype also provided by the potential subtype and 2) are all those fields and methods appropriately subtyped, this time according to the covariance rule.

    Each part is worth 3 points. Those parts for which example code is required to show why covariance breaks, the correct answer is worth 2 points and the example is worth 1 point. If you gave a correct example for at least one of the cases to which it applied, I gave credit for each case to which it applied. (In particular, parts A, B and F all have basically the same example, because they all fail when you try to call eat[I](1.1), but part G has a different one, so you could get full credit with all correct answers and 2 examples.)

    1. ProducerConsumer[Integer] and ProducerConsumer[Number]

    2. ProducerConsumer[Integer] <= ProducerConsumer[Number]
      1. both make and eat provided by both
      2. make[I] <= make[N] and eat[I] <= eat[N]
      Example code which breaks:
      PC[N] pcn = new PC[I]; // Valid because PC[I]<=PC[N] Number(1.1)); //Valid because pcn is of type PC[N], but causes runtime error because pcn is really a PC[I].

    3. Consumer[Integer] and Consumer[Number]

    4. Consumer[Integer] <= Consumer[Number]
      1. Both types provide eat and
      2. eat[I] <= eat[N]
      Example code which breaks:
      C[N] cn = new C[I]; // Valid because C[I]<=C[N] Number(1.1)); //Valid because cn is of type C[N], but causes runtime error because cn is really a C[I].

    5. Producer[Integer] and Producer[Number]

    6. Producer[Integer] <= Producer[Number]
      1. Both types provide make and
      2. make[I] <= make[N]

    7. ProducerConsumer[Integer] and Producer[Number]

    8. ProducerConsumer[Integer] <= Producer[Number]
      1. PC[I] provides make and eat, while P[N] provides only make.  So the only possible subtype relation is PC[I] <= P[N].
      2. Checking this, make[I] <= make[N]

    9. ProducerConsumer[Number] and Producer[Integer]

    10. Neither is a subtype of the other
      1. Again, PC[N] provides make and eat while P[I] provides only make.  So !(P[I] <= PC[N]).
      2. Checking the other direction, !(make[N] <= make[I])

    11. ProducerConsumer[Integer] and Consumer[Number]

    12. ProducerConsumer[Integer] <= Consumer[Number]
      1. Both provide eat, while PC[I] also provides make.  So only PC[I] can be a subtype.
      2. eat[I] <= eat[N]
      Example code which breaks:
      C[N] cn = new PC[I]; // Valid because PC[I]<=C[N] Number(1.1)); //Valid because cn is of type C[N], but causes runtime error because cn is really a PC[I].

    13. ProducerConsumer[Number] and Consumer[Integer]

    14. Neither is a subtype of the other
      1. PC[N] provides eat and make, while C[I] only provides eat, so PC[N] <= C[I] is the only possible direction, but
      2. !(eat[N] <= eat[I])
      Example code which works, but is not accepted:
      PC[N] pcn = new PC[N];
      C[I] ci = pcn; // invalid but shouldn't be. pcn can handle any message that it gets sent in its role as a C[I].

  5. (20 points) Give two realistic examples of object-oriented programs in which static type checking is too restrictive. (You don't have to write out the program, just describe the situation.)
  6. People gave many scenarios, and most were acceptable. One common example was heterogeneous collections, for example, a list of items. Either you're forced to specify what kind of items will be in the list, which is undesirable because you may not know at compile time, or to use some sort of rooted hierarchy (like having a list of Objects in Java). This is undesirable because it forces everything in the list to be of that type. This means you can't put things into the list unless they were designed to go in. It also means you loose information about the type of the objects.

    Another less common example was dynamic creation of classes at runtime. Since, by definition all classes must be known at compile time in a statically typed system, this is not possible.

  7. (14 points) Multi-methods tend to reduce the size of programs. Argue concisely (no more than a paragraph) about whether you believe that multi-methods tend to make those programs easier to understand and to change.
  8. Since the question said to argue either way, I allowed either a yes or no answer and judged based on the degree to which the argument supported the answer. Most people did fairly well on this question. Those who said multi-methods make programs easier to understand and change typically argued from reduced code size, reduced complexity of functions and the ability to determine, by inspection, which classes have a version of the method implemented. Some people also discussed the savings with respect to hand-coded double dispatching.

    Those who said multi-methods do not make programs easier to understand typically discussed the additional complexity introduced in figuring out which multi-method would be invoked at runtime, the loss of encapsulation and the loss of locality of code (methods are no longer defined in the same file with the class to which they belong.)

    While both of these arguments are fine, it seemed that many people quoted straight out of the Cecil paper (or other papers.) There were a number of phrases that appeared many times almost verbatim, such as "... reduces complexity by avoiding coding logic (switch statements) and because small methods further reduce complexity, as code complexity doesn't grow linearly with lines of code per method, but perhaps exponentially." This was really disappointing. The idea of these assignments is to get you to think about the issues in programming language design, not parrot back information from the readings and lectures.

  9. (24 points) For each of the following, state whether it would be relatively straightforward to achieve using the metaobject protocol.  Briefly justify each answer.
    1. Track the number of invocations of each function in the program.
    2. Yes, since function call dynamic dispatch is implemented by calling the metaclass, it would be pretty trivial to augment the code that implements that dispatch to also increment a function-specific counter.

    3. Replace a classic garbage collector for reclaiming memory with a reference counting engine.
    4. No, the metaclass is not invoked for variable assignments, variables going out of scope or formal parameter binding so it has no way to keep track of what variables refer to an object. Unless this is a pure OO language in which all variables are instance variables of some object and assignment is treated as a message. In that case, reference counting could be done, but there would still be no way to invoke the garbage collector. You could put it in the metaclass constructor, but that would still cause problems for generational garbage collection. Some people seemed confused about what reference counting is. They argued that you could increment a counter whenever an object was allocated and decrement it when the object was deallocated. This tells you how many instances of the classes exist, but not how many references there are to those instances.

      Some people argued that you could do this, and I gave partial credit based on the completeness of the argument.

    5. Implement multi-methods.
    6. Yes, simply agument the normal dynamic dispatch mechanism, which is implemented in the metaclass, to look at other arguments. Many people argued that this wasn't possible because, according to the Cecil paper, multi-methods belong to all the arguments' classes. However, one should not confuse this theoretical notion with implementation detail. We can think of the multi-method as belonging to several classes, and still implement it using MOP. For all the remaining nay-sayers, not only are multi-methods in CLOS implemented using the MOP, but the book "The Art of the Meta-Object Protocol" by Kiczales (affectionately known as "AMOP") uses this exact problem as its working example.

    7. Change CLOS multiple inheritance from linearizing all instance variables in the (multiple inheritance) hierarchy to another policy (such as not permitting any conflicts in the names of instance variables).
    8. Yes, simply create a metaclass which, instead of linearizing the variables in the multiple inheritance hierarchy, checks for conflicts and reports an error. However, since lisp is dynamically typed, and the metaclass methods that do this are invoked at runtime, it would be hard to have the disallowed name conflicts be detected statically.

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