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 CSE583 Assignment 3 (Winter 2000)
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This assignment is due on Friday, February 25, 2000 at 5PM PST.  We will make an announcement later about the specific electronic form for turning in the assignment.   Here's the basic information on running CLP(R):

  1. (20 points) Assume that in addition to stating facts in a logic programming language, one could also state what is known not to be true. Discuss the consequences on logic programming computations and on the closed-world assumption.
  2. Solution: On the one hand, this would make the programming language much more expressive, encompassing the full range of first-order predicate calculus (FOPC), rather than just Horn clauses. However, since FOPC satisfiability is NP-complete, it would make the language intractable. Furthermore, although it would render the closed-world assumption unnecessary, since negatives can be explicitly represented, this may not be a good thing. Aside from making the logic of Horn clauses complete, the closed-world assumption is rather useful as a programming tool. It's very convenient to be able to not write a bunch of NOT statements for everything in the world which is false. (Of course you could keep the closed-world assumption if you wanted to.)

  3. (20 points) Prolog provides primitives to add new facts and rules to the database. Explain how you can use this facility to create programs with state by simulating von Neumann variables. Briefly discuss whether this is an effective way to exploit the benefits logic programming.
  4. Solution: von Neumann variables are basically the kind of variables we're all used to in imperative languages. They represent state which can be maintained and updated from statement to statement. A straightforward way to implement this would be to use assert and retract to maintain a mapping of von Neumann variables to their values. The idea is that you assert a rule map(Var, Value) to set the value of Var to Value. Then you retract that rule and assert a new one to change the value. For example, vonneumann.clp contains a simple program which uses a von Neumann variable 'count' to count the number of times the 'member' rule has been fired. While it is possible to maintain von Neumann variables in a logic programming language, it violates the basic programming principles of logic programming. Furthermore, it makes the need to understand rule satisfying order (top-down, left-right) and it's consequences even stronger. Since von Neumann variables basically "stay alive" through backtracking episodes and the search for satisfying assignments, its very important to understand the order in which this search happens. However, there are some things for which von Neumann variables might be good, if used sparsely and with care. One obvious one is instrumenting code to see how many times a rule is invoked.

  5. (20 points) Write a program to solve the following logic puzzle. There are five houses, each of a different color and inhabited by different students, with a different favorite pet, drink, and brand of candy.

    a. Jeremy lives in the red house.

    b. Molly owns the dog.

    c. Coffee is drunk in the green house.

    d. Brian drinks tea.

    e. The green house is immediately to the right (your right) of the ivory house.

    f. The Snickers eater owns snails.

    g. Junior Mints are eaten in the yellow house.

    h. Milk is drunk in the middle house.

    i. Craig lives in the first house to on the left.

    j. The student who eats Skittles lives in the house next to the student with the fox.

    k. Junior Mints are eaten in the house next to the house where the horse is kept.

    l. The Sweet Tarts eater drinks orange juice.

    m. Todd eats M&M's.

    n. Craig lives next to the blue house

    Who owns the zebra? Who drinks water?

  6. Here are two solutions. Don't try to run zebra1.clp unless you have a lot of cycles on your hands. The main purpose is to show the basic strategy. (I ran it for two days on fiji and it never finished.) What's going on is that first the values in each type are enumerated, (the 'student(todd).', etc. statements). The first thing 'go' does is force the creation of a list for each type. The list is required to satisfy the 'all_different' predicate, requiring each element to be different. This forces all six lists taken together to represent a one-to-one mapping between students, pets, houses, etc. Then it just remains to make sure the required constraints hold. To assist in this, a predicate 'match' is defined. 'match' takes two lists and two items. It succeeds if the position of item1 in list1 is the same as the position of item2 in list2. For example, match([1,2,3], 3, [a,b,c], c) is true because both 3 and c are in the 3rd position of their respective lists. 'match' is then used to build 'rightof'. If you strip off the first element of the first list and then call 'match', you're effectively adding 1 to the position of the first item. So rightof([1,2,3], 2, [a, b, c], a) works by stripping the first element off the first list and then calling match([2,3], 2, [a,b,c], a). Since 2 and a are both at the head of their respective lists, so match succeeds and therefore in the original lists, 2 must have been to the right of a. Finally, 'nextto' is defined basically by saying either item1 is 'rightof' item2 or item2 is 'rightof' item1. Using these three predicates (match, rightof and nextto), all the constraints can be expressed. If clpr is able to satisfy all the constraints, the the lists must represent a solution, and can simply be printed out. This works fine except that in order to find a solution to e.g. match(Student, molly, Pet, dog), the system must generate all possible combinations of students and dog (and, what's worse, all the other lists). This takes a long time. For purposes of that constraint, we don't care what's in the other position, just as long as molly and the dog cohabitate. So what we do instead in zebra2.clp is create lists with variables that are filled in by the constraints as needed. We don't first generate a list of assignments and then check them, rather we create a list of variables and try to make assignments to them one at a time until we either find ourselves in conflict (in which case the system backtracks) or done with the constraints. Finally, you can also take a look at Borning's solution. He uses a different method for constructing the lists. The nested s subgoals basically force a list of lists to be created. His lists are also structured differently, each inner list represents a single house (i.e. the student, pet, drink, etc. associated with that house.) Therefore his checks are for membership (is the list containing molly in the student position and dog in the pet position present) or sublists (does the list with the ivory house immediately precede the list with the green house. Both solutions are equally valid, I like mine because you get to see the full solution, not just who has the zebra and who drinks the water.

    (20 points) Consider computing grades for a student. There are five assignments, a project, and a final. The assignments are worth 10%, 20%, 5%, 15%, and 10% respectively; the project is worth 25% and the final is worth 15%. Each assignment, the project, and the final is graded on its own scale from 0 to N (that is, N may vary for each). Write a CLP(R) program that computes a weighted final grade for the course on a scale of 0 to 1. In addition, your program should support queries such as, "How much do I have to get on the final to get a 0.85 or better?"

    Solution: The solution is in grades.clp. The basic idea is to establish the maximum scores using the maxscores predicate, then compute the grades by first normalizing each score (norm_score_i = score_i/maxscore_i) and then computing the weighted sum (for all i, sum (weight_i * norm_score_i)). (Excuse my lack of math notation, and blame it on HTML.)

  7. (20 points) For problems #3 and #4, discuss whether or not it would matter if you used Prolog or CLP(R).
  8. Solution: For 3, it doesn't really matter. Only logic (horn clauses) are used, no math. For 4, you could write the same program in prolog, but it would only be able to compute forward (given these assignment grades, what's the total grade), not backwards (given this partial set of assignment grades, what do I need to get on assignment 4 to get an .85 in the class.)




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