Whole Picture
Solving large problems is tough -- but approach them logically and you will succeed

Problem Solving
Large problems share many properties:
They are daunting -- there’s so much to do!
We don’t know were to begin
Not sure we know all of the tasks that must be done to produce a solution
Not sure we know how to do all of the parts -- new knowledge may be required
Not sure it is within our capability -- maybe an expert is needed

Problem Decomposition
“Divide and conquer” is a political strategy, military strategy & IT strategy
Top-level Plan --
1. Describe (in any language) a series of steps that produce a solution
2. For each step, solve it or decompose further
3. For steps needing decomposition, repeat 2
4. Assemble solutions and test correctness
5. When solution fully assembled, evaluate

More Specifics
We will step through the process, using Project 2 as an example:
Problem decomposition is
mostly common sense
Process is not algorithmic
Problem decomposition is
to help you, so apply it as

1. Give Steps to a Solution
Specify (in any language) a series of steps that produce a solution
For a huge problem the steps may at first be vague, but they can be (& must be) made more precise as the whole picture emerges
The goal is an algorithm(s), so …
List & describe the inputs
List & describe the outputs
Be guided in figuring out the steps by the need to transform the inputs into the outputs

What Are Steps for PC?

What Are Steps for PC?
Purple Concentrate:
Build Basic GUI
Set up control keys
Build the Display Grid
Build mouse-sensed KeyGrid
Write functions for ctrl keys
Set up customizing keys
Primp design & make cool

PERT is Program Evaluation & Review Technique … developed in 1950s
Diagrams show the dependencies visually

2&3. Solve or Decompose
For each step, solve it or decompose it further, i.e. apply same technique
Most “top level” steps can’t be brained out, and need further decomposition
“Top level” steps often seem huge, too
The technique allows one to concentrate on only one problem at a time
As before, focus on inputs, outputs, process to transform inputs into outputs

2&3. Solve or Decompose
“Build mouse-sensed keypad”

2&3. Solve or Decompose
“Build mouse-sensed keypad”
Layout GIF 7x7 grid
Setup to change grid color
Build onClick e-handler
Define GIF prefetch array
Prefetch brown & orange
Build mouse e-handlers
Update colors in e-handlers

4. Assemble Parts
Assemble Solutions &Test Correctness
Putting solutions together can be tough because of different assumptions made while solving the parts -- it always happens
When working alone it is common to combine parts along the way and to test continuously
Because of the need to test, pick a good order to solve the problems

4. Assemble Parts
Proj2 solves & assembles parts together in a ‘good’ order

4. Assemble Parts
Proj2 solves & assembles parts together in a ‘good’ order
Most parts of Project 2 use
the developing solution
for testing -- that’s ‘good’
Notice adding steps to
test a solution may be wise
Parts mismatch is common
problem, but not in Proj2

Large problems can be solved by the ‘divide and conquer’ technique
The process is “top down” -- get a top level solution even if it is vague, imprecise
Whenever you cannot produce a solution to a step directly, reapply the technique
The start and first several steps will be daunting … but the process works!
Get part of solution working quickly if possible