FIT100 Winter Quarter
University of Washington
Final Exam
March 14, 2005
Chapter Notes

Chapter .
All -- Lots of basic concepts, terminology for parts of a computer, etc.
  1. many general computer terms
  2. parts of a computer
  3. pixels and colors
  4. units of measurement (bits, bytes, etc.)
notes and answers 
Chapter .
  1. general strategies in dealing with computers -- clicking around, etc.
  2. user interfaces
  3. human-computer interactions
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Chapter .
Networking.  Lots and lots of important concepts and terminology
  1. packets
  2. protocols
  3. domains
  4. DNS
  5. IP address
  6. directory structures
  7. ...and more!
notes and answers 
Chapter .
HTML.  What was actually used in the projects is most important, plus some general concepts and terminology
  1. tags
  2. attributes
  3. syntax
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Chapter .
  1. search engines
  2. characteristics of legitimate sites
  3. detecting fraudulent e-mail
  4. hierarchies
  5. indexes
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Chapter .
Searching case study (Buckminster Fuller).  Skim -- useful as a review
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Chapter .
  1. general strategies
  2. the HTML example reminds one of why a validator is useful
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Chapter .
Digital Representation
  1. encodings
  2. PandA
  3. bits in physical computers
  4. Text coding -- ASCII and Unicode (not in book)
  5. Computing standards (not in book)
notes and answers 
Chapter .
Computer operation
  1. size prefixes (mega-, giga-, etc.)
  2. computer components
  3. machine instructions
  4. programs
  5. parts of the CPU
  6. fetch-execute cycle
  7. integrated circuits
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Chapter .
  1. 5 properties of algorithms
  2. (CD) sorting algorithm
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Chapter .
Digital multimedia  (skim)
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Chapter .
Social implications of computing.  Especially issues raised by news items, etc. discussed in class
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Chapter .
Database concepts
  1. data base definitions and terminology
  2. 5 basic operations
  3. other operations, such as join
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Chapter .
Database schemas, queries and views
  1. relationships
  2. schemas
  3. keys
  5. queries
  6. reports
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Chapter .
Database case study.  Not specifically covered in class, but a good example for review.  
  1. steps in designing an database application (like Project 3)
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Chapter .
e-commerce.  Not covered.  Interesting reading, also provides a review of networking topics  
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Chapter .
Privacy and security.  Covered mostly through specific examples mentioned in lecture.
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Chapter .
Java script basics
  1. variables, values, types
  2. control statements (if)
  3. connections with HTML
  4. event handling
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Chapter .
"Bean Counter" javascript example
  1. GUIs
  2. Forms in HTML
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Chapter .
Javascript functions
  1. parameters and return values
  2. function in HEAD
  3. calling functions
  4. functions as abstraction
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Chapter .
Iteration in Javascript
  1. for and while loops
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Chapter .
"Smooth Motion" case study (not covered)
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Chapter .
Limits of Computation (not covered)
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Chapter .
"Commencement" (Summary) (not covered)
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