Snyder/Bannon/Yasuhara Complete by May 20, 1999 (Thursday Lab)

Assignment 5

It is possible to write VB6.0 programs to process the contents of a database. This is an important capability because there will be times when the standard operations provided by a database system will be inadequate for implementing the processing that you want to have performed. It can be assumed that although database systems will improve, our needs and expectations will also increase.

This assignment is to work through the Beginning Visual Basic book, Chapter 13, pp. 431-466. The task will take about two hours, and must be done in the lab since the key part of the information is how to interface a VB program to a database. The following points might help (these make more sense when you get into the reading):

  1. Notice that you will be using a control that is not in the standard list of controls, though there is one in the list that is similar to it. Specifically, you will be using an "ADO Data Control", which must be fetched from the Components menu item in the Projects menu. (This is explained in detail in the book.) In the standard list there is a control called "Data". You can waste a lot of time if you forget that in Chapter 13 and anywhere you are interfacing to a database you must always use the "ADO Data Control".
  2. If you get short on time, there is a good stopping place midway through the reading: Bottom of p. 453.
  3. This reading includes one opportunity to try a simple SQL command. We will not be learning SQL, but if you use databases a lot, it will pay to learn it. SQL is a very powerful, but intuitive language for manipulating databases. The example is fully explained.