
CSE100 has benefited from contributions, assistance and input from many people. All of this help is greatly appreciated, and much of it has been absolutely essential to the formulation and delivery of this course. My sincere thanks go to the following --

The "What Everyone Should Know About Information Technology" Committee: Al Aho, Marcia Linn, Arnie Packer, Al Tucker, Jeff Ullman, Andy van Dam and Herb Lin.

The UWired Team, including Mark Donovan, Scott Macklin, Christine Murakami, Anne Zald

UW teaching support personnel, including Barbara McDonald and Dave Hall

CSE Lab staff, including Erik Lundberg and Fred Videon

CSE faculty, including Martin Dickey and Ed Lazowska

SLIS faculty, including Mike Eisenberg and Joe Janes

Thanks are also due to Microsoft Corporation who donated the Visual Studio Software used by CSE100.