CSE 100: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List

You've got questions, we've got answers.

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Most of these entries are copies (sometimes edited to remove explicit language) of questions e-mailed to the staff by students. Each entry ends with the name of the person who prepared the answer, in case you have specific questions.

Remember, you can contact all of the staff (prof. and TAs) by e-mailing cse100-staff@cs.washington.edu and just the TAs (if you want to go rag on the prof., for example) by e-mailing cse100-tas@cs.washington.edu. We encourage questions, comments, suggestions, etc. Finally, don't forget the anonymous comment form linked on the home page!

Last modified: Wed Jun 2 23:12:18 PDT 1999 - yasuhara@cs

Index: The Questions

  1. When I double click my HTML document icon to edit it, Internet Explorer opens it up instead! How do I get it to open up in Word (or whichever web page editor I want to use)?

  2. You folks had this really cute puppy for the photos taken during the first week. Did you take a picture of it?

  3. What's a filename extension?

  4. I see two "index" web files on my computer! What's going on? How can two files with the same name exist?

  5. How can I make Windows show me complete filenames, with their extensions?

  6. My background, image, table and bullets show up on my word document but they don't show up on my web page. What at I doing wrong?

  7. I want to copy an image in Netscape, but the right-button menu doesn't have a Copy option. What gives?

  8. I know you're bound by oath not to give out answers, but on my Zodiac program, I can't get my button to disappear. What gives?

  9. I think I've saved my Visual Basic program, but I'm not sure. What can I check for?

  10. I don't understand something I heard in lecture/lab. How long should I wait before I actually ask one of you folks a question about it?

  11. How do you "write-protect" a floppy disk and what does it mean?

  12. What's the right way to declare multiple variables in one line?

  13. In my VB program code window, I've got a lot of little empty Subs lying around, like lblSDate_Click(). Can I get rid of these?

  14. In my VB code, I've got control event handler Subs that have this strange parameter "Index As Integer and think this could be messing up my program. How do I fix this?

  15. Why don't you post grades on the web with student numbers?

  16. I find it difficult to guess my twips coordinates for lines, points, boxes, circles, etc. Is there some cool way to put a grid (some calibrations) in the form window?

  17. Ken, why do you spend time putting out all of this important and useful information when no one actually looks at it, except maybe Ryan, Christy and Jerel?

  18. How do you take a window snapshot and print it out again? I forgot...

  19. For Project 4, Task 4.6, when I try to get the Input Mask Wizard to come up, I get an error message. What did I miss in lab on Tuesday?

  20. Tell me, Ken...Why does Microsoft Access suck such sh*t?

The Answers

1. When I double click my HTML document icon to edit it, Internet Explorer opens it up instead! How do I get it to show up in Word (or whichever web page editor I want to use)?

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, [one of you folks] wrote:

> hey,
> how do i open up my document in word again so that i can work on the
> assignment??
> i tried transferring the index.html and asn3.html over in FTP but that
> didn't work. it just opens up explorer and and i can't do anything to it.
> help me out mayan!!!
> thanks

Here's how to handle this problem:

Rather than double-clicking the HTML file icon, you should
start Word and open the file from there.  In other words,
under the File menu, select Open..., and change to the
directory where you saved the HTML file.  Near the bottom
left corner, there should be a list Files of Type, which
lets you change the kinds of files (identified by the last
part of the name, after the period) the file browser window
lists.  Usually, you open Word documents in Word, so the
dialog starts out by listing only files whose name ends with
".doc", the conventional Word document name ending (a.k.a.
"filename extension").  In our case, we want to open an HTML
document, whose traditional extension is "html".  Change the
setting to "All files (*.*)" or "HTML document (...)", and
you should see the file you FTPed.  Opening your web
documents this way should work fine.

2. You folks had this really cute puppy for the photos taken during the first week. Did you take a picture of it?

Ya betcha. Check out the e-mail announcement archive message titled, "photos on the web."

3. What's a filename extension?

On IBM and IBM-compatible computers (the kind we're using in this course), the standard is to end filenames with a period ("dot," we also say) followed by three (sometimes four) letters that indicate what kind of file the file is. In other words, Microsoft Word documents always end with .doc, HTML (web) documents usuallyend with .html (sometimes just .htm), etc. Just by looking at the filename, you can tell what kind of file it is, if you remember some of these common extensions:

Note that you may not see these extensions when using Windows. This is because Windows often leaves out the filename extension when displaying icons for your files, and uses the icon picture to indicate what kind of file you've got instead. All it's doing, though, is just guessing what icon to use based on, you guessed it, the filename extension, which really is still there, even if you can't see it.

4. I see two "index" web files on my computer! What's going on? How can two files with the same name exist?

First, read the note above about filename extensions...


The short answer: You're right, it's impossible for two files to have the same name. The two files you see have different extensions. Most likely, one is called index.htm and the other is called index.html. Their icons look the same because both the .htm and .html extensions are used for web documents. Find this annoying? (I sure do.) See below to find out how to make Windows show you complete filenames, i.e. without hiding extensions.

More specifically, this problem has to do with the way Windows displays filenames (as explained above) and the way Word adds extensions to files automatically when you save them:

In lab, when we saved your index.html file, when Word asked for a filename in the Save dialog box, we typed in the full filename, with the .html extension. If, instead, you accidentally just type index (without an extension) and save as type HTML document, then Word automatically adds the .htm (not .html) extension for you. Saving files with and without explicitly specifying extension can result in these "apparent" (but not actual) duplicate files.

So how do you fix this? You can rename one or both of the files, decide to throw one out, or perhaps move one to a different directory.

5. How can I make Windows show me complete filenames, with their extensions?

From any Windows Explorer window, from the View menu, select Options... Click the View tab at the top, and make sure Hide file extensions... is not checked. Click OK.

6. My background, image, table and bullets show up on my word document but they don't show up on my web page. What at I doing wrong?

See Brian's e-mail announcement about this.

7. I want to copy an image in Netscape, but the right-button menu doesn't have a Copy option. What gives?

Unfortunately, Netscape (some versions at least) doesn't have this option. Use Internet Explorer instead.

8. I know you're bound by oath not to give out answers, but on my Zodiac program, I can't get my button to disappear.

You're right. Prof. Snyder will beat me up if I give you the answers, but more importantly (since I'm not that afraid of Prof. Snyder) my conscience will bother me forever. The best I can do is remind you of a few things:

Note that Visible is just a property of a command button control, just like Caption is another property. You can tell because they're both entries in the property list of a command button.

Making a button invisible amounts to little more than making the program change the button's Visible property from True to False in the middle of running, but what does the code look like to achieve this? That's what I can't tell you without risking getting beat up.

On today's (April 15) lab handout, check out the notes about the first Sub's last line (btnCalculatePrice_Click()). There's a way to change a property of a control, and the last line in this Sub is an example.

In fact, let me remind you that your clock programs worked by changing the Caption property of the label once every second.

This concludes our little hint. Good luck, y'all.

For the record, Prof. Snyder and my working relationship is one based on mutual respect, not fear.

9. I think I've saved my Visual Basic program, but I'm not sure. What can I check for?

Darn good question. It gets a little confusing because VB doesn't save programs in a single file. Instead, it splits it across a project file and one or more form files.

Although we've talked about the form and project file pairs before, let's go over 'em again:

In general, each VB program has at least two files:

Each program has only one project file, but it has a form file for each form you create. Our Visual Basic programs, so far, have only had one form, so there's only one form file.

So, the key is to make sure you have the right pair of files on your floppy disk: the project file and the corresponding form file.

If you've been following the naming conventions suggested by the VB IDE and by us in class, for a project called Zodiac, you'll probably have a project file called Zodiac.vbp and a form file called frmZodiac.frm.

One more thing you can try: Once you think you've saved the two files to your floppy disk, stick it in another computer with VB installed on it, and see if you can open it up and run it.

Remember, it's your responsibility to make sure what you've got on your submission disk is complete and correct.

Here's a good way to save a copy of your current project and form:

  1. Have the project you want to save open in the VB IDE, i.e. you should be able to open your form window and run the program.

  2. Open your form window, if it's not already. You can do this by double-clicking in the Project window or by selecting Object from the View menu.

  3. From the File menu, select Save frmZodiac.frm As.... (The suggested filename will vary.) Note that this menu item is only available when the form window is selected.

  4. Using the Save in list, switch to your floppy disk (probably A:) and make a new directory for this project using the new folder button with the little folder with a sparkly corner on it. Name the new folder appropriately (e.g. with the name of the project) and double-click it to open it up.

  5. Give the form an appropriate filename, like the name of the form control itself (e.g. frmZodiac), and click Save.

    That's just half of it. Now, to save the project file:

  6. From the File menu, now select Save Project As...

  7. You should be in the same folder where you just saved your form file, since the VB IDE remembers it. Name the project file appropriately (e.g. the project name, Zodiac), and click Save.

    Now, let's double-check that it worked:

  8. Open your floppy disk in Windows Explorer (the desktop), find and open the project folder you just made, and make sure the .frm and .vbp files you just saved are there. (Don't worry if there's some .vbw file there. It's a file that VB makes automatically, and it's nonessential.)

  9. Like I said above, try putting the disk in another computer and making sure you can open and run the project there.

One last remark: Make a backup! Always have an extra floppy handy, and make a copy of your project folder(s) there, just in case your floppy somehow becomes unreadable (known to happen) or you lose it. It's well worth the trouble...ask anyone who's ever had to redo lost work, like Ken---once.

10. I don't understand something I heard in lecture/lab. How long should I wait before I actually ask one of you folks a question about it?

Well, some of you seem to be shy about this. Ask IMMEDIATELY! Don't pass up a chance to ask a question, 'cause a lot of what we learn in this class builds on material covered in the previous weeks. We love it when you ask us stuff, not because it lets us show off our astonishingly comprehensive and extraordinarily lucid understanding of the field, but because it helps us do our job better and it convinces us that teaching is worth spending our days (and nights, oh the long nights) on: because you're paying attention and putting in an honest effort, too.

Chances are, if you're unsure about something, someone else in the room feels the same way. If you're way to shy to speak up in class like I was a while back, just send us e-mail.

Oh, and one more option: If you know for a fact that a lot of people are also confused about a certain point, send it anonymously via the feedback page.

(Ah, technology.)

Remember, though, there are lot of questions that are most easily answered in good old-fashioned face-to-face conversation. Stop by during office hours (we get lonely) and make appointments if they don't fit with your schedule.

11. How do you "write-protect" a floppy disk and what does it mean?

There's a quick and easy way to prevent any computer from changing the files on your disk, and it's something we TAs do before grading to make sure your disks stay exactly the way you submitted them:

Turn your disk over and hold it with the little metal sliding door away from you. In the lower right corner, there should be a little, plastic tab (usually black) that slides up and down and clicks into place, opening or closing a little, rectangular hole in the disk.

When the hole is covered, the disk is "writable," which means files can be added, deleted, and changed on it. When the plastic tab is slid down to open the hole, the disk is unchangeable.

When we return your disks to you, they'll probably be write-protected. To add, remove, or changes files on these disks, make sure to make your disk writable again.

12. What's the right way to declare multiple variables in one line?

We made a mistake before and told you that you could just write Dim and list the variable names, followed by an As String (or whatever type you want for all of them), but this was not quite right. Although the correction was announced with a slide in lecture, the Project 1 handout has some errors like this, and aI still see lots of people doing this, so here it is again...

If you want multiple variables of the same type, you can put them on one line, but you need to specify the type of each one in your list:

For instance, to declare two String variables, you might type...

Dim loMo As String, hiMo As String

See the April 14 Lab Handout for more information about variable declaration, assignment, and scope.

13. In my VB program code window, I've got a lot of little empty Subs lying around, like lblSDate_Click(). Can I get rid of these?

If the Subs are empty, then deleting them from your code window won't cause any problems. If anything, it'll make your code window easier to read.

14. In my VB code, I've got control event handler Subs that have this strange parameter "Index As Integer and think this could be messing up my program. How do I fix this?

If you make copies of controls, you may end up with a control whose name ends with a number in parenthesis. This is called an indexed control and while I don't have time to explain the details now, it's a way of grouping controls together. We won't have to use this feature of VB anytime soon, so for now, I'll just tell you how to change indexed controls back to regular ones.

Select the control you suspect is indexed and see if its Index property is set to some number. If so, start by changing its (Name) property to something new, like "cmdOK" for an OK button or "optAquarius" for an Aquarius option button. Then, select the Index property and delete its value, which is probably some integer right now.

Double-click the control whose properties you just changed, and VB should make you a new Sub (without that funny Index parameter this time). If you had already written an event handler Sub for this control, copy that code into this newly created Sub and delete the old one.

15. Why don't you post grades on the web with student numbers?

We decided that even posting grades with student numbers wouldn't be privacy enough. No other course (as far as we know) posts grades on the web, and we'd rather have you pick up your papers and get the grade than just check some web page for just a number---that doesn't tell you a whole lot about how you're really doing in the course.

16. I find it difficult to guess my twips coordinates for lines, points, boxes, circles, etc. Is there some cool way to put a grid (some calibrations) in the form window?

Yes, there's a way you can make little dots show up at fixed "twips" intervals on your form window:

From the Tools menu, select Options... and click the General tab. Make sure Show Grid is checked, and fill in the Width and Height numbers. Try 500 for both first, and you'll get dots on your form window that are spaced 500 twips apart.

That ought to save you some time and guesswork, since it's hard to know exactly how big a 500-twip radius circle will look on the screen off hand.

17. Ken, why do you spend time putting out all of this important and useful information when no one actually looks at it, except maybe Ryan, Christy and Jerel?

Damn good question. In my short time as a student and my even shorter time as a teacher (a mere few months), I've come to accept as true that the best any teacher can do is work his/her arse off at providing as supportive (and fun) an environment for learning as possible. When it comes right down to it, though, it's up to each individual student to make the personal decision to take control of his/her learning. (I think this is true of any kind of personal growth, intellectual or otherwise.) I may not be able to make a single student take that control, but that doesn't stop me from doing my part in trying to help those few who do.

18. How do you take a window snapshot and print it out again? I forgot...

Make sure the window you want to take a snapshot of is "active" by clicking it. (The title bar should be colored appropriately.) Then, hold down Alt and press Print Screen, which is toward the upper left on most keyboards. Although it appears as though nothing's happened, Windows has saved an image of that window, and all you have to do is paste it into a new Word document, and you'll be able to print it out. Just start Microsoft Word, which should open with a new, blank document, and from the Edit menu, select Paste, and an image of your window should appear.

19. For Project 4, Task 4.6, when I try to get the Input Mask Wizard to come up, I get an error message. What did I miss in lab on Tuesday?

This is a question regarding setting up the input mask for the Doctor table's LicenseNumber field.

On Wed, 26 May 1999, [a student] wrote:

> I'm designing the Doctor table and I need to edit the
> Input Mask for the LicenseNumber.  When I click on the
> ellipsis a window pops up saying "This feature isn't
> installed.  To install this feature..."  What's up?

This is what Brian pointed out yesterday in lab. Although the instructions say to use the Input Mask Wizard, it turns out most (if not all) of the UWired lab PCs don't have it installed.

Rather than using the Input Mask Wizard, Brian stepped through setting an input mask manually, i.e. without the wizard. Based on the fact that...


...is the SSN input mask, I think you can guess what you need to put there for the format specified in the instructions.

20. Tell me, Ken...Why does Microsoft Access suck such sh*t?

Beats the sh*t out of me. You can contact Microsoft Access support at (425) 635-7050.

Enough! Take me back to the CSE 100 Home Page...