Your First CSE142 Assignment
Monday, 9/28/2003

. Required reading:
- Syllabus (word for word), academic conduct policy page.
- Do this right away!
- Either buy or make sure you have access to a textbook (when available)
- Read chapter 1 of the textbook by Wednesday
. Browse rest of course web (a work in progress... still some bad links, etc.)
- Find the first day's slides!
- Visit the Message Board (when linked)
- Find the Announcements archive (when linked)
. Install the needed software on your home computer
    - Read the Computing at Home page
. Visit a campus lab and locate the software
    - In particular visit the IPL lab on the 3rd floor of Mary Gates Hall
    - Even if you plan to compute at home!

. Start making friends in the class!
    - Hopefully there will be evening gatherings in or near the commons in Mary Gates Hall
. Watch for news about Project 0
    - A bit later in the week.
. For Wednesday: memorize your quiz section #
. After Thursday: memorize your TA's name
. Think about... why are you here?
    - What do you want to get out of this course??
- What do you want to get out of your education at the University of Washington???